016. Intuition Is an Expression of Your Soul
18 May 2021
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re looking at the connection between our intuition (and its various abilities) and our soul. It’s a perspective that’s meant to support our deeper understanding of the beneficial nature of our intuition, which is innate to all of us.
The Transcript
Hi. Welcome to Innately Intuitive Podcast, where owning your intuition is as much about raising your vibration as it is about grounding you. I'm Ellen M. Gregg, your host.
In case you're new, it will be helpful to know that a lot of channeling happens here, including the topics of all solo episodes. It's one of the ways my spirit team keeps me awake and present. Enjoy.
And in this episode, we wish to speak with you regarding the intuition and its connection to the soul. Understand, the intuition speaks for the soul, to the soul, of the soul. The intuition is the soul’s expression of knowing, wisdom, insight, foresight. Everything you associate with the intuitive abilities comes from the soul.
Put this also into the understanding: The soul being of all that is, the soul has access as well to all that is. And so to assume the soul is limited in any capacity to your experience through your various incarnations is to misunderstand the soul’s limitless ability to bring forth information that will surprise and delight and support you in your human life.
Ooh, okay. I'm recording this on Friday the 14th of May, and just a short while ago I finished writing and scheduling a blog post for the 27th of this month. (Yes, I have a content calendar and I abide by it.) That particular post touched upon this topic to a degree, and mostly to make a point regarding the topic of the blog post itself, which I'm not divulging here because it isn't published yet.
Even though I know that intuition comes from and through our soul, it was and is a really interesting notion to consider the depth of that, and to consider truly why it is in our best interest - in our highest and best as humans -to access our intuition and to intentionally work with it in some way every single day.
I just heard the term “value-add,” and what a great way of looking at it. Our intuition is a value-add for our human life and a huge one at that.
Notice that the term “bonus” wasn't used. A bonus is something that we mayor may not receive. A value-add - at least the way it's being used here - is a given. In this instance, it is absolutely a given, because all of us have intuition. It's a matter of actually using it.
That being the case, ask yourself this question: Am I using my intuition to the best of my ability at this time?
If the answer is, yes, continue doing that and further challenge yourself to do more as you are moving along, knowing that your intuition is a muscle, of sorts, and will strengthen with use.
If the answer is no, then the next question is: What is preventing me from using my intuition? And a similar question is: Why am I not allowing myself to use my intuition?
Because it is only you who can prevent yourself from using it. It is not something that is possible to be under any other person's control.
Set aside any fear you may have about what your intuition may reveal to you. Set aside any notion that tells you you are somehow unworthy of or incapable of using your intuition, and understand that as a soul who chose to incarnate as a human, you are meant to use your intuition. Otherwise, why would the soul bother to put you here?
Great questions and great observations. I don't believe I have anything else to add to that. Am I supposed to add anything else to that? No. So, there you are.
Thank you so much for listening. You can subscribe throughmost major podcast streaming outlets and you can read transcripts and leavecomments on my blog at ellenmgregg.com. The link is in the show notes.
Take good care.
Podcast music: “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.