015. Grow Your Clairaudience
11 May 2021
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re shining the spotlight on clairaudience, a.k.a. clear hearing; one of our basic intuitive senses. Through the episode, it’s made clear what intuitive hearing truly sounds like - and what it doesn’t. There’s also an invitation issued to be intentional about asking spirit guides for help with growing this intuitive sense. Enjoy.
The Transcript
Hi. Welcome to Innately Intuitive Podcast, where owning your intuition is as much about raising your vibration as it is about grounding you. I'm Ellen M. Gregg, your host.
In case you're new, it will be helpful to know that a lot of channeling happens here, including the topics of all solo episodes. It's one of the ways my spirit team keeps me awake and present. Enjoy.
And so, in this week's episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we will be discussing the way of the clairaudience, so that you may have a better sense of how it is received.
That's a great topic… I may have actually interrupted the channeling flow. I’m being told, “yes,” so I will let them continue.
What we notice is that humans assume clairaudience will work as the human hearing does, and this is incorrect. In fact, with clairaudience - and even with your other intuitive senses - the information received is more of an impression; more of a feeling.
And so, as you are receiving the messages clairaudiently, there will be for you no true sense of sound. Instead, it will be an impression of sound. And with this, understand there is a feeling that arrives with the impression. This is, in part, what helps you to distinguish between clairaudience and your own self talking in your head.
Yes, that is correct. I had quite a conversation about this the other day with a client who is actively working on growing her clairaudience.
And the best way that I came up with to describe the difference between hearing something between our ears that is not clairaudience and actually, quote-unquote, hearing clairaudience is, we might hear between our ears the word “intuition” and we’ll hear it in a voice.
It may be our own voice. It may be another voice. It is going to be someone we know; someone we can identify. And when that same word comes clairaudiently, here's how it might sound to us:
Did you hear that? You may have heard something, and yet what you heard was so little as to clearly be something other than a quote-unquote sound. And this is really important.
It’s an impression
So, the way I went on to describe it is, imagine that the word ”intuition” has been set into a rubber stamp. And you take that rubber stamp and you gently press it to a piece of paper. That's what's meant by impression. It is more of an impression that way.
And, actually, I just saw clairvoyantly an embossed piece of paper. And so, you know how embossing works, right? Again, we're using letters or a sigil or an insignia or something of that nature and it is set into a metal stamp sort of thing.
You put the paper between the two parts of this embossing stamp, and then you press the embossing stamp and then, when you look at the paper, you can see the raised edges of the letters, the symbols, whatever, on the paper, and yet there's no color added.
Let's suppose the paper is white. It's white on white. You can see the impression, and yet it's not as though somebody took a ballpoint pen and wrote the word “intuition.” That is the way of clairaudience.
Now, here are a couple of variables to this. When we're connecting with our spirit guides the way that I've just described clairaudience - and the way that our spirit guides described clairaudience - rules. You will not hear or sense tones that give quote-unquote character to the impressions of sound, the impressions of the messages.
However, when we are connecting with those who are in spirit, meaning those who are ancestors of ours or ancestors of others from whom we are receiving messages, there will be additional sensations that come with those clairaudient messages that will permit us to discern whether the voice is male or female; whether they are youthful or older or somewhere in between; whether they're injecting humor or whether they're being serious.
And again, everything is impression. It's not as though someone's boisterously telling you a joke in the manner that we're accustomed to. And at the same time, the sensations that come through with someone who actually might be telling a joke to us - it can happen - there will be enough sensation that arrives with it that we can very clearly understand that they are telling us a joke and having a great time doing it.
It truly is all about vibration. And so, as you go forward for yourself, growing your clairaudient abilities and any of your other intuitive senses, keep that in mind.
Do I want to get into variables when it comes to things like clairsentience or clairvoyance? No. Actually, this might become a bit of a series within the podcast, so I believe that I'll leave it at that.
What I will invite you to do, if clairaudience is something that you wish to grow for yourself, is to make a point every single day of inviting either your spirit team or a healthy loved one in spirit to send you messages in that clairaudient way, very specifically.
Make sure that's clear. You are intending to receive clairaudient messages either from your spirit team, or someone else that you know who is in spirit that you choose, and then pay attention.
And understand that these messages are not going to come through just when you're sitting in silence and meditation, waiting.
They're going to come through when you're on the subway, dealing with all that noise.
They're going to come while you're in the shower.
They're going to come while you are listening to your favorite podcast.
They're going to come while you're watching the next episode of Grey's Anatomy or This Is Us.
Don't expect that they're going to conveniently wait for us to be in silence so we can really hear them. That doesn't serve us.
If we really want to grow our clairaudience, we need to be able to discern what is coming through clairaudiently, no matter how much noise we're in. They just showed me Bruce Springsteen, and I'm imagining being at a Bruce Springsteen concert and having clairaudient messages come through.
And yes, the thing is I'm used to receiving clairaudient messages and so it would be very easy for me to discern those things coming through because I'm used to discerning that.
The thing is, even though that is something that I do, and I do readily because I do it every day, it will take less effort than you might suppose for you to also be able to discern at that level, so to speak. Okay? So, go forth and have fun.
Thank you so much for listening. You can subscribe through most major podcast streaming outlets and you can read transcripts and leave comments on my blog at ellenmgregg.com. The link is in the show notes. Take good care.
Podcast music: “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.