014. Intuitive Divination

4 May 2021

In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re exploring intuitive divination. This is a relatively practical episode, in that I walk you through how I use intuition with divination to create a highly personalized experience.

Intuitive abilities sourced for this intuitive divination example include:

  • clairvoyance

  • clairaudience

  • clairsentience

  • channeling

I hope you find it empowering. Enjoy.

Innately Intuitive Podcast episode 014, Intuitive Divination. #divination #intuitivedivination #intuition #impressions #clairaudience #clairvoyance #clairsentience #channeledmessage #themoondeck #innatelyintuitivepodcast #ellenmgregg #intuitivechann…

Innately Intuitive Podcast episode 014, Intuitive Divination. #divination #intuitivedivination #intuition #impressions #clairaudience #clairvoyance #clairsentience #channeledmessage #themoondeck #innatelyintuitivepodcast #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer


The Transcript

Hi. Welcome to Innately Intuitive Podcast, where owning your intuition is as much about raising your vibration as it is about grounding you. I'm Ellen M. Gregg, your host.

In case you're new, it will be helpful to know that a lot of channeling happens here, including the topics of all solo episodes. It's one of the ways my spirit team keeps me awake and present. Enjoy.

Well, hello there and happy May. Hard to believe that we’re already into the fifth month of this year that still feels so new to me, for some reason. Does it feel that way to you, too?

This week's episode is dedicated to working through a divination reading. And so, what we will have Ellen do is choose a deck and then draw cards and interpret them, understanding the interpretation is meant for all who are listening.

Well, that's interesting and I don't mind that at all.

So… All right, so, the funny thing is, they said that I will choose a deck. And that's laughable because there's no way that it will only be me making the decision what deck will be chosen. So, I am surrendering myself to the process and we'll see which one. Let's see… I don't have a lot of decks.

Choosing a deck

So, what's really interesting is that I am being guided to touch each of the decks with my fingers; sliding my fingers across the top of the box and yet not being given a yes or a no. Just feeling them. So, holding that this is a deck that will help anyone listening to this episode…

We have a deck and it is The Moon Deck. And The Moon Deck is created by Aarona Lea and Andrea Keh. I hope I'm pronouncing that last name right. It's spelled K-e-h. I will have the details about the deck in the show notes and on the blog post.

So, The Moon Deck. All right, well, opening the box… pulling out the cards. I am a person who does not use the guide book, ever. And so, the minute I get a new deck, the guidebook is always on top. For me, I'm like, “Why?”

I immediately free it from its packaging and put it at the bottom of the box. And the cards always sit on top, and so all of my guidebooks look completely brand-new because they are. They’ve never been touched. Anyway, that's just how I do things.

Choosing a card

So, I'm starting the shuffling process and for me, much as with selecting the deck, it is about feeling. So, I'm using my intuitive yes and no response as a barometer for when to stop shuffling. All right, we have our first card - or our only card. I don't know how many cards we’re choosing yet. We'll find out.

All right. Oh, lovely. So, this is an oracle deck. The main difference, I would say, between oracle decks and Tarot decks is that oracle decks tend to have prompted words at the bottom of the cards. So, whereas with Tarot yes, they will have a number; yes, they will have the name of the card on them. Everything else is all about the imagery.

With oracle cards, the imagery is very important and yet there are supportive words so that there doesn't need to really be much thought about the card. You can go with the words and that's it. And sometimes it's okay and other times it's the tip of the iceberg.

So, this card - and by the way, I will have a picture of the card on the blog post associated with this episode - says, ”I have unlimited potential and claim my purpose. All I need is within me.”

Innately Intuitive Podcast episode 014, Intuitive Divination. #divination #intuitivedivination #intuition #impressions #clairaudience #clairvoyance #clairsentience #channeledmessage #themoondeck #innatelyintuitivepodcast #ellenmgregg #intuitivechann…

Innately Intuitive Podcast episode 014, Intuitive Divination. #divination #intuitivedivination #intuition #impressions #clairaudience #clairvoyance #clairsentience #channeledmessage #themoondeck #innatelyintuitivepodcast #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer


So, let's be clear: Those statements stand really well all on their own. ”I have unlimited potential and claim my purpose. All I need is within me.”

And so, what I then ask intuitively is, “Is that enough?”

And the answer is, “No.”

Gathering impressions

So, as great as that message is, there is more to this. And so, this is where I give way to impressions and channeling. And so I'm going to go with Impressions first, since I'm studying the imagery of this card.

I've never pulled this card before from this deck. So, it's the first time I'm seeing it. And what's really standing out, first of all, is the radiance around the head of the woman on the card. Because what I'm seeing clairvoyantly is Mother Mary and the radiance we always see around her head.

And so what does that radiance indicate? It indicates divinity. And divinity is not just for, quote-unquote, chosen ones. We all have a divine nature. We are all divine. So that's the first thing that stands out from this card.

The second thing that stands out is, she is cupping her hands underneath a sphere. And at first, I thought the sphere was Earth. And maybe - perhaps - it could be a semblance of that, except that what I'm seeing depicted within the sphere, on the sphere, are flowers. There might be a bird there, too, but mostly it’s flowers.

And so, when I see flowers, I think blooming. I think growth. And the thing is, these flowers are large. They are not shrinking violets by any sense. They are “large and in charge.” And so, what does that tell us? I just heard, “ownership.” So, taking ownership of one's blooming; taking ownership of one's growth. And I get a “yes” on that.

Anything else that’s standing out from this card that feels like it needs to be shared? No.

Channeling a message

And so, now I'll give way to the channeling.

And what we notice, and what we wish for you to understand about this card’s intent and message for you who are listening is, that your potential is unlimited. And with that, then, understand that it is easy to allow yourself to be caught up in the ego, which asserts limitations upon you, and forget your divinity; forget your unlimited nature. And so it is important for you to everyday say to yourself, feel for yourself, or in some way acknowledge that you are a divine being whose potential is unlimited, and that you are here for a purpose.

“It is important for you to everyday say to yourself, feel for yourself, or in some way acknowledge that you are a divine being whose potential is unlimited, and that you are here for a purpose.“ Channeled quote from Innately Intuitive Podcast episo…

“It is important for you to everyday say to yourself, feel for yourself, or in some way acknowledge that you are a divine being whose potential is unlimited, and that you are here for a purpose.“ Channeled quote from Innately Intuitive Podcast episode 014, Intuitive Divination. #divination #intuitivedivination #intuition #impressions #clairaudience #clairvoyance #clairsentience #channeledmessage #themoondeck #innatelyintuitivepodcast #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer


Yeah. I love that. And the thing is, please don't get hung up on the word purpose. So often, I think, there's so much talk about what our purpose is in life. And I understand that. That's a question that I've asked myself so many times, and I feel that I've found my purpose in life and I'm so grateful for that.

The thing is, though, once again, our ego can kind of take over and shame us into thinking that we haven't found our purpose, even though we may have; or into thinking that what we do feel is our purpose is not somehow worthy of us being here. It's not somehow good enough, important enough, big enough.

But that's bullshit. Because someone's purpose could be simply to smile at someone and let them know that they're seen. That could quite actually be a person's entire purpose in life. It could be that simple.

It could also be super complicated. It could be that someone's purpose in life could be to recreate Nikola Tesla's machine that produced energy that could be used by anyone without having to tap into a service provider.

At first glance, they appear as if they are at opposite ends of the spectrum. And yet our mistake in that is assuming that there is a spectrum; that there is some kind of measurement when it comes to our purpose. There isn't. Whatever your purpose may be - however, quote-unquote, lowly you may think it is, it isn't because it's your purpose.

Summing up intuitive divination

So, that's how I basically do a divination reading. And it's completely intuitive. It is using whatever intuitive resources feel as though they need to be tapped into. And that means whatever rises up for use is what's needed.

And so what did I use in reading this card? I used clairvoyance. I used clairaudience. I used clairsentience and then I also channeled.

Every reading of this nature, whether it's with cards or otherwise, is the sum of its parts. And the sum of its parts is going to be different each time, because depending on who we’re reading for there will be different needs that rise.

So, let's see if I've fulfilled the mission that was set forth for this episode for today. My guides are saying, “Yes.”

So, here's my invitation to you: I really invite you - if you have divination cards, or if you read palms, or read tea leaves, or coffee grounds, or runes, or anything of that nature - really allow yourself to lean into your intuition as a practice.

Allow yourself to put the guide book aside. Allow yourself to put the, quote-unquote, rules aside and open yourself up to interpreting in a way that is very stylized according to you and very personalized for whoever it is you're reading for, whether that's yourself or someone else. Okay?

One more thing. I'm going to highlight the last line of text on this card again, in closing here:

”All I need is within me.”

Those words couldn't be more true. And it's so important to remember that as well. Blessed be.

Thank you so much for listening. You can subscribe through most major podcast streaming outlets and you can read transcripts and leave comments on my blog at ellenmgregg.com. The link is in the show notes. Take good care.


Podcast music: “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.


Opening Yourself to Spirits for Channeling


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