007. Intuitive Observation

16 March 2021

In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re looking at intuitive observation. It would be easy to assume that intuitive observation refers to clairvoyance. Thing is, that assumption would be only partially correct.

Intuitive observation requires the use of all our intuitive faculties, senses. Ready to be more observant at the intuitive level? Press “play” on this episode.

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The Transcript

Welcome to episode 007 of Innately Intuitive Podcast. Yes, I had to go there. I just had to. I typed 007 into the title of the blog post in preparation for creating this episode, still without, at this point, knowing what the topic is, and I was just entertained. So, I figured I would engage you with my entertainment. So, hopefully you're entertained, too.


So, what is in store for us for episode 007? Let's find out.

And yes, 007 is an entertainment because we notice it refers to the one who is the investigator, the one who is the spy, the one who is the James Bond. Perhaps it will be that you will notice there are similarities between this assignment and what the topic for this episode is. The topic, then, is observation.

Oh, my goodness. So, what's really interesting about that is that when the channeled message came through with 007 I saw two eyes in the zeros. And so, that could have been a sign for me. And certainly it was a sign for me. It's just that I didn't assume that that was going to truly reflect what it is that we're talking about this week.

So, observation as it relates to intuition…

And what we notice here is that when it comes to intuition and observing, it is important to remember you are observing with all of your physical being so that you may also observe with all of your intuitive being, remembering intuition and human - they intermingle; they are co-creative. And so, as you are using all your human senses in observation, you are using all your intuitive senses in observation.

“When it comes to intuition and observing, it is important to remember you are observing with all of your physical being so that you may also observe with all of your intuitive being, remembering intuition and human - they intermingle; they are co-c…

“When it comes to intuition and observing, it is important to remember you are observing with all of your physical being so that you may also observe with all of your intuitive being, remembering intuition and human - they intermingle; they are co-creative.” Channeled quote from Intuitive Observation, episode 007 of Innately Intuitive Podcast. #intuition #intuitive #intuitiveobservation #intuitivesenses #humansenses #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer #innatelyintuitive #innatelyintuitivepodcast


In this way then, if you are observing, for example, an occurrence that involves two people who are in an argument, you will observe the human aspects of it. You may notice you feel some discomfort at witnessing an argument. You may feel some concern if the argument escalates. And yet, as you are observing in an intuitive way, you may notice that you are gaining some insight into the true nature of the argument.
It is not that you are spying. It is simply that through your intuitive observation, you are noticing more than your human senses would allow.

Yeah. That's a really interesting example because, well, first of all, arguing makes me uncomfortable anyway. That's just how I am, who I am. I like things to be peaceful. I don't like confrontation and I will avoid it if possible, although I won't shy away from it if it's necessary. So, there's just me qualifying that aspect of it.

When it comes to observing others in an argument, everything in me - the peacekeeper in me, the Libra in me - wants to create harmony. However, if I simply allow myself to witness without stepping in and trying to act like an intermediary, which isn't my role-

Well, no, I mean it really isn't my role. Because arguments can serve a purpose for people, right? It isn't for us to step in and try to stop the argument. Do I want to say more about that? Because I feel like there could be a need for a qualification there. I suppose if it looks like they're going to come to blows or something, or harm themselves or one another in some way, then we might need to step in or get some help for that. So, that's my qualification.

Observing that argument, though, from an intuitive perspective… that's going to give me, you, us a deeper understanding of the purpose of the argument… Because there's bound to be some purpose, whether it's airing something - grievances, whatever; whether it's a catalyst for change; whatever it may be.

And yes, it sort of does feel like spying a little bit. And at the same time, we aren't intentionally reading either of those people. What we're interpreting - what we're perceiving - is the situation itself at the intuitive level. There really is a difference.

It does feel like a fine line to me, and yet there really is a very clear difference between the two. And I invite you to lean into that for yourself so that you can observe that difference, feel that difference, understand that difference.

Other ways of intuitive observation

What's another way that we observe? Perhaps we are at, or approaching, a house or other type of building, or a property, and suddenly we're noticing we’re feeling uncomfortable, unsettled. We might even feel as though suddenly our feet are dragging, as though they're attempting to keep us from entering that property, entering that space.

In that instance, we can use our intuitive observation to understand why we are feeling that way. What is creating that sense of discomfort? Where is the disharmony? Through that observation, it may be that we are intuitively informed or, depending on our relationship with our spirit guides, we may be outright told that we are not to enter that space; that it is not safe for us.

Other forms of observation… There are so many forms of observation. I could list a laundry list, as the saying goes, of ways that we can observe. But anything that we observe in a human way is observable in an intuitive way. Everything. And that includes our own reaction to situations we find ourselves in; to people that we are with.

And so, when you are permitting yourself to use intuitive observation, you are giving yourself the benefit of deeper understanding. You are also giving yourself the ability, in some instances, of remediating or otherwise mitigating, what might be in dis-ease, disharmony, discomfort; both for yourself and for the place, the person, the situation of your observance.

“When you are permitting yourself to use intuitive observation, you are giving yourself the benefit of deeper understanding. You are also giving yourself the ability, in some instances, of remediating or otherwise mitigating, what might be in dis-ea…

“When you are permitting yourself to use intuitive observation, you are giving yourself the benefit of deeper understanding. You are also giving yourself the ability, in some instances, of remediating or otherwise mitigating, what might be in dis-ease, disharmony, discomfort; both for yourself and for the place, the person, the situation of your observance.“ Channeled quote from Intuitive Observation, episode 007 of Innately Intuitive Podcast. #intuition #intuitive #intuitiveobservation #intuitivesenses #humansenses #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer #innatelyintuitive #innatelyintuitivepodcast


Yeah, I like that. So your homework - heee, homework - for this week then, is to really pay attention to how you are observing things. If you're a person who takes a bus or a train to work, really observe everything around you. Make sure that you're observing as much with your intuitive senses as with your human senses.

If you are a person who is working from home, and on Zoom meetings, use your intuitive observation to more deeply understand what's at stake within your Zoom conferences and for those with whom you are present in those conferences. Make sure you're looking at yourself, too. And I think that's it. How very interesting. Anything else to say about that? No, I guess we're done.

So, well, thank you for tuning in. Thank you for listening and hopefully taking you in the opportunity hereto observe intuitively. Because who knows what else you might pick up for yourself that will prove in valuable to your intuitive growth? And your human growth, too. Sure. Take good care.

You can subscribe to innately intuitive podcast on most major podcast outlets. If you have a comment or a suggestion, you can leave that with the blog post associated with this episode at ellenmgregg.com. The link is in the show notes.

Have a great week. Take good care.


Podcast music, “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.



