Gaia Speaks... Are We Listening?
22 April 2021
Gaia speaks… Who is Gaia? Gaia is the goddess energy that is Earth, which means, yes, Earth is a feminine energy. And if we think about it for a moment, that makes sense. The feminine is a creative energy, and Earth is always creating.
What is Gaia saying? That’s the big question, and the answer is both obvious and subtle. It’s vital we’re listening on Earth Day, throughout Earth Week, and every day.
We see here that Gaia speaks in tones of water and wind, fire and land. She speaks of the present, and the rising sea levels, the eroding cliffs, the burning forests, the increasing temperatures, the extreme storms, the changing seasons. She speaks of the future, for without change in the present, her future dwindles as though a candle burning too hotly for too long.
She speaks of hope, for there are those who understand her fragility and her need for care beyond the few. She speaks of preparation, for without care, there will be less land, less air, less insects, less animals, less life. And she speaks of minute matters such as the bees, the butterflies, the creatures quietly enacting their last engagement upon her and leaving an irreparable tear in her fiber.
Gaia speaks in tones both hushed and fierce; invitational and directional; gentle and dire. She powerfully entreats the human who abuses her to seek a way of healing, for without that she will be unable to cradle the human for future generations.
This is her plea and her warning. This is her promise and her assurance. This is her hope as witness to the experiment that is the human and their engagement with the living Earth.
Reverence. That’s the feeling - the sensation - that prevails here. And it isn’t only that we’re encouraged to revere Gaia - Earth. It’s also that we’re encouraged to understand the reverence Gaia has for us, even as we make mistakes that adversely impact her.
There’s that feminine, creative force. There’s that maternal energy.
When you listen to Gaia, you hear what she needs. And when you hear what she needs, you hear what you need. This is where we notice the human becomes confused and unresponsive. Because even in the hearing of Gaia’s needs, there is the misunderstanding of her needs being equal to human needs.
Were humans to respect the true nature of this, the Gaia would heal, and the human would heal. And with the healing would then rise the greatest evolutionary period of Earth’s history - recorded and unrecorded.
Can you imagine how that might be for us as a race? I can. And I want to be a part of its creation.
I’m listening. Are you?
Blessed Earth Day. Blessed every day. Blessed be.