Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Four Truths

Over the past several days I have been participating in the Everything is Energy World Summit.  This free, six-day online audio summit has featured two programs each day about transformation; improving individuals' lives in order to improve the collective's, as well as raising the vibration of those participating.  The catchprase(s) sum the event up:  "Change your energy.  Change your life.  Change the world."

I just finished listening to the audio of the blue room's Saturday night program (each night there were two seminars, each dedicated to either the blue room or the orange room; programs were made available for free review for twenty-four hours following their original broadcast).  The program featured Dr. Judith Wright speaking about soft addictions (addiction to TV, social media, food, reading, exercising; anything we use to anesthetize ourselves as an avoidance tactic against feeling our emotions) and the four loving truths to help rise above those addictions and to allow ourselves to fully feel everything.

The four loving truths as written by Dr. Wright are eloquent and beautiful; I had to share:
1.  You are loved.  You are a beloved child of the Universe.
2.  Love and peace are the legacy of pain.  Love and peace come from experiencing pain, not from numbing it.
3.  Your feelings are Divine and to be honored.  Every feeling you have within you is an expression of who you are; of your essence.
4.  Gifts are given to you to engage and develop and use in the Divine symphony of life.

The key to the four loving truths is to actually own them, like this:
1.  I am loved.  I am a beloved child of the Universe.
2.  Love and peace are the legacy of pain.  I experience and express pain in order to open my heart to love and peace.
3.  My feelings are Divine and to be honored.  I honor my feelings as an expression of my essence.
4.  Gifts are given to me to engage and develop and use in the Divine symphony of life.  I acknowledge and nurture my gifts and share them with my world.

The whole summit, designed and delivered by David and Kristin Morelli and enhanced by their guest speakers, was powerful and inspiring; encouraged participants to dig deeper below the surface than they have before.