Entering the Unknown

It was 1:11 pm when I finished inserting the image for this post and set my sites on writing it. Yup. That’s how I roll. Create the image first, when at all possible.

It’s that angel number - 1:11, a.k.a. 111 - that’s important, though. Seeing that number at that specific point signifies there’s something important about this post itself. And it’s important for all of us, because we’re all entering the unknown.

Entering the Unknown: A blog post by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. #ShowUpOnline #ego #evolution #empowerment #embodiment #embodiedsoul #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer

The unknown

“We notice the unknown is that which is not yet present, and it is also that which is not yet understood.”

Yes. Agreed.

“That which is not yet present” is anything and everything that doesn’t exist in this very moment, this very second, this very minute, this very day.

“That which is not yet understood” is anything and everything we haven’t heard of or learned about or otherwise experienced.

In both instances, it’s that which isn’t yet a part of our current reality.

And in both instances, it’s that which may lie beyond our scope of belief because it isn’t yet a part of our current reality.

Scope of belief

There was a time I didn’t know about Reiki. (And yet it existed in others’ realities.)

And then there was a time that I knew about Reiki and yet hadn’t experienced it and so couldn’t say I believed in it. (And yet millions of others had… and did.)

And then there was a time that I became certified as a Reiki Level 1, then a Reiki Level 2, then a Reiki Level 3 practitioner, and then finally a Reiki master teacher.

The same could be send about…

  • my understanding of and experience with other lives;

  • my intuitive, channeling and mediumship abilities;

  • connecting with elementals and spirit guides, and angels and other off-worlders;

  • facing demons and other entities, etc.

Those things weren’t a part of my scope of belief until they were. I can say that I believed in intuition (and ghosts), and yet everything else was beyond my scope of belief until they became a part of my life and work.

Stretching our limiting beliefs

Entering the unknown with curiosity supports the stretching of our limiting beliefs and, ultimately, the dismantling of them.

If we’re growing and evolving, we can’t help the actions of stretching and dismantling our limiting beliefs. Our life experience makes it so.

Entering the unknown asks that we set aside assumption and make room for openness, and for the vast realm of possibility to become even more so.

As we enter the unknown that is 2021, perhaps we can allow ourselves to open wide and receive all that’s truly available to us, rather than what we think is available to us.

Blessed be.


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