Entering a New Paradigm

Entering a new paradigm is something Jennifer Longmore and I discussed in Episode 026* of Soul Chats Podcast. The title of that episode is actually Ushering in a New Paradigm which, while similar, serves us a different tone.

When we usher something, it indicates moving toward a destination. We aren’t there yet.

When we enter something, well, that indicates we arrived at our destination to make the entering possible.

Entering a New Paradigm, a blog post by Ellen M. Gregg ~ Intuitive Healer. #newparadigm #awakening #ascension #evolution #indwelling #telepathy #ellenmgregg

“We enter a new paradigm this day, as the ways of the moon and the numerology are in support of the action, and the energy the action takes inspiration from. The new paradigm we enter is as yet another foothold - another portion of the bridge spanning the crevasse engaging with the ego ways.
”The new paradigm enables even more humans to undertake roles and abilities deemed that of fiction, science fiction, imagination. The roles and abilities are varied and deeply experiential, including that of holding space for indwelling, a rise in the telepathic communication, and more.”

Ooh… Wow. So there’s a bit to unpack from that channeled message.

The ways of the moon

Looking to the astrology calendar on my wall, I see August 11 is the exact midway point of the moon’s cycle. It features a half moon, which falls directly between the full state and the new state.

Even the fact that the moon is waning at this time, as it moves towards its dark and new moon states, supports the entering.

We need that new moon energy for seed-planting in the new paradigm energy, and one week from today that opportunity arises. On August 18 at 10:42 pm ET (US), the moon is new.

The numerology of August 11 2020

The numerology today certainly supports the new paradigm, as well. Here’s the equation:

8 + 11 + 2020 = 2039 = 2 + 0 + 3 + 9 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5

Five is the number associated with change in numerology. Change is the hallmark of paradigm shifts. As the song from the Broadway musical Waitress goes, “Everything changes.”**

The crevasse

A crevasse is a fitting depiction for “the ego ways.” It’s “a deep open crack,” according to an online dictionary, and that fills the bill, for sure.

It’s our ego that we fall into, time and again, as we

  • doubt what’s possible,

  • believe limitations set upon us - and even create them,

  • convince ourselves that we aren’t worthy of our innate divinity.

It’s our ego that shies away and runs from change, depending on the nature of the change at hand, preferring we stay in the perceived safety of sameness.


I transcribed a “podcast” episode of mine from 2018 into a blog post*** that gets into some of the finer points of indwelling.

My realization, in reading it again almost 2.5 years later, is there’s a miscommunication that’s vital to understanding this expansive experience. The miscommunication came from an obvious lack of identifying the difference between indwelling and possession.

Here’s me clarifying that difference:

With possession, the human consciousness is separated - or removed - from the human body.

With indwelling, the human consciousness is fully aware of and engaged with the process.

And so, I was incorrect in labeling Jane Roberts’ experience as indwelling. It was possession, because her consciousness wasn’t present while Seth spoke. She had no awareness and recollection of anything that happened while Seth motivated her body.

Regardless of those miscommunications, you can get the gist of what indwelling can entail through that post, linked below***.

You can get a better (in my opinion) and more up-close-and-personal view of it through a few blog posts I wrote detailing how indwelling occurred for me. They’re also linked below.****, *****, ******

Telepathic communication

While I see this very much tied into the indwelling experience, I don’t feel indwelling is necessary to experience a high level of telepathy.

For myself - especially over the past couple or few weeks - I’m noticing greater instances of what I would term telepathic communication.

Mostly, it’s showing up specific to energy work. While working with someone over the phone - meaning, they don’t see me and I don’t see them - a guided (channeled) direction will come through and it will happen the recipient of the energy work is in some awareness of that direction just ahead of me verbalizing it.

It’s super cool, because it seems as though their awareness is aligned with mine. As the information and direction comes to me, it comes to them, with the audible instruction a heartbeat or two behind.

This happens, through my observation, only if they’re truly, wholly present and tuned in; fully invested in the experience.

Present and tuned in

Here’s the key to all of this: being present and being tuned in.

Being present is another way of saying being aware - being in a state of awareness.

Tuned in is another way of indicating there’s engagement with the soul and intuition - both of which are part of the same divine “DNA” strand.

If we aren’t present and tuned in, if we aren’t actively aware of our divinity and engaged with our intuition, and if we aren’t fully invested in the experience, we’ll still navigate entering the new paradigm.

And yet, due to our partial disconnection - our lack, to some degree, of presence, engagement and investment - we’ll “miss the boat” in terms of all that’s available to us within that new space.

If we aren’t present and tuned in and if we aren’t all-in with our investment, we’ll stay caught in the trap that is the crevasse of the ego.

If, on the other hand, we choose to be present and tuned in, and we choose to fully invest ourselves, we’ll continue crossing the bridge as it develops.

And as we cross that bridge’s sections - paradigm after paradigm - we’ll find ourselves experiencing what our ego labels “the impossible”… including and yet not limited to indwelling and telepathy.


* Ep. 026: Ushering in a New Paradigm with Jennifer Longmore

** “Everything Changes” from Waitress

*** Indwelling: Full-Body Channeling

**** Expect the Unexpected

***** Pregnant Pause

****** Braving the Ocean


032. Spiritual Evolution with Smitha Hemadri


031. Raising Intuitive Children with Angela Zabel