Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Easing into the Season… with a New-to-Earth Energy Framework

I’m easing into the season - emphasis on easing.

Normally, I get a bit frenetic about the changing of the seasons. I feel a strong urge to change out the garden flags, the wreaths and the limited interior decor so we’re with it, in it. And normally, I become particularly frenetic about the changing of Summer to Autumn because while I love Summer for its longer days and vibrant plant life and bold invitation to be out in various ways, I love Autumn even more.

With Autumn there’s a sense of relaxing, of easing, that speaks to hot seasonal tea, pots of soups and chowders and chilis, cozy shirts and sweaters, and an unspoken permission to go inward…

for rehabilitation and reassurance, for reassessment and reprogramming, for remembrance and rebirth.

Yes. For all that. (By the way, italicized text is channeled.)

And yet things have been different this year. Rather than being frenetic about the changing of Summer to Autumn, I’ve been uncharacteristically chill. It feels like I’m moving in slow-mo; as if there’s no rush, as if there’s all the time in the world. Remarkably, my ego isn’t even inflamed over that, isn’t provoking me to get all the things done before it’s too late.

It’s a welcome shift.

Speaking of shifts and seasons

There’s been another shift brewing alongside the change of seasons. This shift is entirely energetic and yet will impact the corporeal, the earthly. The installation of a new-to-Earth energy framework occurred on the 28th of September following a multiple-days download. Think of the download as a slow trickle to ease its way into participating energy bodies and you have the concept.

Now, three days later, the energy has “stationed,” as I was told and yet it won’t be fully active until the 2nd - that’s tomorrow in my neck of the woods. Is it any coincidence that the activation day is timed with an eclipse associated with the new moon? I don’t believe in coincidences, so that’s a “no.”

What’s the purpose of this new-to-Earth energy framework?

The purpose of the framework is to support the practitioners to better cast their light as it is needed, and to create an eventual surge of energy that will open the portals of the oe for reengaging with those cosmic beings who are incarnate. There is need for the practitioners to raise their light, to recommit to their original purpose, and to awaken all who are necessary for the peaceification and reunification of Earth.

That explanation jives with something that came through for one of the practitioners referred to here. The wording is different and yet the overall tone is very similar. We’re being offered through this framework the ability to create an improved atmosphere among Earth’s inhabitants. In the context of good and bad, this is a really, really good thing.

What wasn’t mentioned in the channeled message above is the interdimensionality of this effort - well, apart from the oe (original energy) reference.

This effort pulls into focus the councils of light, of peace, of unity. The councils are all represented through the practitioners, as they are incarnate as a whole at this now time. There is the membership of the energy of the fates who are also embodied in the human way. The powerful way of this allows for mobilization of all who are capable of reasoning with the energy, the intuition, the spirit, the elemental. This is critical and hopeful.

Hopeful indeed. I’m sure there’ll be more on this topic as time goes.

Whether you’re enjoying Autumn in the north or Spring in the south, may you savor its sweetness and may it treat you with kindness. 💞