Change is Constant with Spiritual Growth: Owning Our Spiritual Nature
Change is constant with spiritual growth. And we often say the same about life in general. When it comes to change in the spiritual-growth sphere, though, it reaches next-level status.

Change is constant...
...because our spiritual growth sparks a pattern of both voluntary and involuntary evolution. This pattern holds high purpose: Our greatest soul-inspired actualization possible in this human life. Both beautiful and challenging, the pattern opens us ever wider to our full potential.
Voluntary evolution
The voluntary evolution rises from changes we make by choice as a result of growth and expanded understanding. More than likely, the growth and expanded understanding excite and inspire us. Given that likelihood, we happily make changes that promote more of the same: voluntary evolution.
In this framework, we probably think we have the steering wheel in our hands. That perception of control makes change and evolution seem effortless, because we think we're driving the car. "We've got this."
Spoiler alert: Control stems from ego, and our ego isn't licensed for driving the spiritual awakening bus. What's really happening? We're in flow with our evolution. We're vibing with it. In actuality, we surrendered control at some point, resulting in synchronistic growth and expansion.
And the thing is, we love it. We embrace it and relish it wholeheartedly. It's awesome and amazing and... Wow.
Involuntary evolution
The involuntary evolution rises from the nudges, urges and pushes toward change that we willfully ignore. Ignored long enough, those nudges, urges and pushes anchor themselves in such a way that change seemingly happens to us. In spite of our best efforts, it happens: involuntary evolution.
In this framework, we probably think someone has taken the steering wheel from us. That perception of no control makes change and evolution seem scary and forced, because we think someone else is driving our car. We feel spiritually carjacked.
Spoiler alert: There's no spirit-team-took-the-wheel thing happening here. What's really happening? We're balking at our evolution because we probably feel unprepared. Either that, or maybe the constancy of change fuels a decision to apply the brakes. We want the changes to slow or even stop - at least for a time.
After all, what must people think of us with all this changing? They probably think we can't make up our mind; can't stick with anything; can't - you know - conform to someone's accepted concept of normalcy. (That's an ego alert, by the way.)
Effortless change
Change in the spiritual-growth sphere becomes effortless when we surrender. Surrender means we accept that change is constant. We accept that we may make changes in our lives more than what others consider "the norm." Through that acceptance - even when we don't think we're ready, and even when it feels super uncomfortable - we open ourselves for our next phase of evolution.
And in a way, we make magic through that acceptance and the surrender that birthed it. Because in that space we make ourselves wholly available for the limitless nature of our spiritual evolution. And that's what we're here for.
Blessed be.
This post is tenth in the Owning Our Spiritual Nature series. Previous posts: