Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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The Chakras and Your Spiritual Development

I've talked a little about the chakras (pronounced chalk-raws) before. In fact, one of my most popular pins is from my post Essential Oils for Chakras. In this post, you'll find a basic primer about the seven main chakras, including their purposes, and along with their association with your spiritual development.

What are the Chakras?

Chakras are cone-shaped energy centers. They function as energy reserves for the human energy body and energy fields. They power your energy anatomy, also known as the subtle body, and are potent conductors of light. They spin clockwise as you observe them from the front, at their widest point.

Where are the Chakras?

While they do coordinate with the spine in the sense that you can draw lines from points on the spine to them, chakras don't sit on the spine, as is often thought.

If they were to have an identifiable physical location, they'd start about two inches from the front of your body with the point of the cone, and extend approximately four inches out from there to the widest point of the cone. The crown chakra is the only one that isn't seen at the front of the body as a person's energy field is observed from the side. It hovers above the head; the crown.

The Main Chakras and Their Unique Purposes

There are seven main chakras that are numbered from first to last, starting with the one at the lowest vertical position in the energy field. Here's how they appear on the upright body, from top to bottom:

  • Seventh: Crown

  • Sixth: Third Eye

  • Fifth: Throat

  • Fourth: Heart

  • Third: Solar Plexus

  • Second: Sacral

  • First: Root

Each chakra is associated with a purpose - usually more than one. They're purposes that coordinate with your spiritual DNA; your karma and your soul purpose. Those purposes are:

  • Seventh: Crown ~ Spiritual alignment

  • Sixth: Third Eye ~ Psychic vision, and insight; associated with all the clair-senses

  • Fifth: Throat ~ Communication with all realms

  • Fourth: Heart ~ Acceptance and deliverance of love, and conveyance of compassion

  • Third: Solar Plexus ~ Center of intuition, and promoter of personal power

  • Second: Sacral ~ Center of creativity and sensuality, and ruler of intimate (non-ancestral) relationships

  • First: Root ~ Basic survival/security, provider of grounding, and ruler of ancestral relationships

The Purposes of the Chakras | Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive

They're busy beavers, especially when we're spiritually observant.

Spiritual Observance Isn't [Necessarily] About Religion

What I mean by "spiritually observant" is, actively working to maintain alignment with our spiritual destiny. Because spiritual development is to our chakras what sun and water and clean air are to Earth: vital.

When we tend to our spiritual development - when we hone in on what we're here to do, practice peace and love and compassion, care for the living and breathing planet we call home, and seek a higher (brighter) way of being - our chakras are power houses in terms of what they can do for us.

They are capable of providing us with levels of energy that can give us what appear to be super powers.

For some people, spiritual development might mean going to church every Sunday; or it might mean beaming a sun salutation in Yoga; or it might mean both; or it might not mean either of those things.

To each their own, as long as no harm is intended or perpetrated.

When we don't tend to our spiritual development - when we veer away from our purpose; practice war and hate and intolerance; disregard the needs of Earth; and give in to "the dark side of the Force" - our chakras will slow, and even shutter.

And when that happens, the effects will extend beyond the spiritual and metaphysical, and in to the physical; a ripple effect that's less than desirable.

Tend to your spirit. Be mindful of your chakras. You'll reap the benefits for ages (and ages).

Other Reading

Essential Oil for Chakras

Daily Self-Care for Metaphysical Practitioners