Balance Requires "And", Not "Or."

Yin and yang. Black and white. Sun and moon. Left and right. Light and dark. God and goddess. Notice each pairing is connected by an “and”… something I’ve witnessed go missing from a couple prominent members of the spiritual, “new age” community over the past year, replaced with an “or”.

I admit to being gobsmacked by the light switch-like shift from inclusivity to exclusivity; on to off. It’s shaken me deeply, twice now, because I’m feeling my own response and that of the community. There’s confusion, anger, uncertainty, fear, grief, and a whole lot of WTF-ing.

The most recent one was interestingly - synchronistically - timed with the massive energy shifts that affected all of us in some way, and many of us in huge ways. For some, it was a higher-than-usual tide kicked up by the “storm” of energy. For others, it was a tsunami.

From my spirit team: “Assign an understanding: Earth wishes to ascend into balance. There is no balance without an ‘and’. Reason with soul and create a vision of contrast that is the embodiment of balance. Frequency assures the dearest actualization of ascension. Frequency assigns all acceptance and love.”

To be clear, “ascension” as used in this context is the epitome of balance, of contrast, of “and”. While the seesaw may still be seesawing wildly, rest assured it will come back to balance. The energy of this month offers some grounding to assist that recovery.


SOUL: Spirit of Unlimited Light


Channeled Energy Reading for June 4 - 10, 2018