Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Assignment of New Energies

What they my spirit team said: “Assignment of new energies results in expression of the intuitive abilities as a magnification. Sacred emergence of assignments of the soul assure you of a graceful evolution.

My perspective: Yes, and I hope so. I’ve definitely noticed a magnification of my intuitive senses and abilities, and others have shared their similar experience with me. I’m also guided to refine my services… again. There’s “something in the water,” and anyone drinking from the well with awareness has probably noticed shifts in their once-normal ways. Welcome to the new normal!

Assignments of the soul are, generally speaking, our soul purpose and its related activities. For some, there may be a change in the activities, and for others, there may be a clarifying of the activities. It’s fascinating to see these transformations - big and small - play out, in real time, within the spiritual community.

So… What have you noticed? What’s shifted? How’s your new normal feeling?