A Review and an Update
I have a review and an update for you. Actually, make that an update and a review. Because there's a whole lot happening at Ellen M. Gregg :: Intuitive Headquarters.

An Update
First and foremost, I'm writing a whole lot. (Not here, obviously, since this is my first post since Monday.) What am I writing? Oh, you know, no biggie... just two non-fiction books and four e-courses. Plus, I'm rewriting a fifth e-course. And they all revolve around energy healing, intuition, reading oracle and Tarot cards intuitively, and generally living as soul-powered humans.
The two books are companions to two of the e-courses. And in working on the other three e-courses, I'm discovering they lend themselves to becoming a combined book. Which is cool and crazy. Actually, all of it is cool and crazy.
I find myself butting up against resistance because the enormity of what I'm creating is a wee bit overwhelming. And so I self-coach myself to focus on the individual pieces rather than the whole. Even though they all intersect with one another in some way, they're still stand-alone items. That perspective helps a bit.
Sharing that felt important as I'm in a big push to complete the other three e-courses first. They relate to my email list and will be available to both new and current subscribers. Ideally, they'll be ready for consumption by the full moon on the 15th. (Good glory.)
That all means my entries here on my site may be light for a little while.
And a Review
I haven't used a commercial deodorant in over six years. Once I wrapped my head around how products applied to the skin engage with our entire body, I made the switch. I tried a popular deodorant from an Etsy seller that worked well enough, and yet was abrasive because of the baking soda it relied on for deodorizing.
In spite of the abrasion, I ended up "formulating" my own deodorant: A carrier oil with a couple drops of an essential oil applied to my pits, followed by baking soda. I used it for almost four years, and then that changed two weeks ago.

MagSol deodorant was an Amazon recommendation, and my intuitive yes lit up big-time when I read the product description. (How do they do that, when you aren't actively searching, by the way?) I followed my intuition and bought it - Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Right? - and it's the best deodorant I've ever used. It's all-natural, it works, and no more abrasion. I swear it's "thisclose" to a miracle product.
Check out the ingredients and other details:

Not noted on their label, and yet a fact: It's a cruelty-free product, which means there's no animal testing. So, if you're interested in using a deodorant that's better for you - and, by the way, for the planet - consider MagSol. It comes in these scents:
- Jasmine
- Lavender
- Lemongrass
- Rose
- Sandalwood
- Sweet Orange
If you're interested, you can link to them through here: Favorite Things.
And that's it for now. Blessed be.