Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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10 Things About Me

This is one of the posts recovered after a botched website move three years ago. It was originally written and published on February 11, 2012.

Because it's Saturday, and because I want to keep it simple, and because this entertained my weekend-mode brain, here are ten things about me:

Would you rather be an Olympian, or win American Idol?

If I have to choose between just those two endeavors, American Idol. I don't consider myself a great singer, but I do know how to sing, and I've been performing on stage since I was five years old. Besides, I'd love to meet Steven Tyler! :-)

If you could live in any US city, what would it be?

New York City, baby. While I love my New Hampshire home, I have a humongous soft spot for NYC. In fact, if I win tonight's Powerball jackpot, I'll be buying myself a lovely apartment in that sleepless city.

What was the first blog you ever read?

Oh, boy... umm... I think it may have been <b><a href="" target="_blank">Hyperbole and a Half</a></b>.

Would you rather bungee jump, or skydive?

Skydive, because I think it would be amazing to view our Earth unimpeded... and to "fly!"

What was your favorite CD in 7th grade?

Umm... er... *raises hand with trepidation*... Excuse me, but CDs weren't even <i>invented</i> when I was in 7th grade. I was enjoying Shaun Cassidy. On vinyl. "Da-doo-ron-ron-ron, da-doo-ron-ron."

What is your favorite movie?

My <i>current</i> favorite movie (it changes seasonally, or monthly, or weekly, or by the mood swing) is <b><i>Mamma Mia</i></b>!

Mac, or PC?

PC, because it's more affordable. There may be a Mac in my future.

If you could fly anywhere in the world, free of charge, where would it be?

Europe as a whole, thank you. &nbsp;I long to walk where my ancestors - King Charlemagne, Rob Roy MacGregor, etc., etc. - walked, loved, lived.

Sandwich or salad?

Bacon and cucumber sandwich Yummy!

Country music or rap?

Country music, hands down. While I enjoy most types of music, I just can't seem to get into rap, or acid rock, or similar genres. I need me a tune and sing-ability.Besides, the Country genre (which I'm newly fond of, by the way) features some hunks! I mean, with the likes of Tim McGraw, Blake Shelton, and Keith Urban? Come on!