013. Cocreative Earth Dwelling
27 April 2021
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast we’re offered up the perspective of indwelling through the lens of Earth. It’s different from what I’m used to when it comes to indwelling, and yet there’s a beautiful resonance here.
Hi. Welcome to Innately Intuitive Podcast, where owning your intuition is as much about raising your vibration as it is about grounding you. I'm Ellen M. Gregg, your host. In case you're new, it will be helpful to know that a lot of channeling happens here, including the topics of all solo episodes. It's one of the ways my spirit team keeps me awake and present. Enjoy.
And in this episode, there will be a discussion regarding your need to listen, to tune in, to activate your sense of indwelling within the earth frame.
Well, that's interesting for a couple of reasons. The first being the use of indwelling, the fact that our guides (because this isn't just my guides bringing this through, it's anyone who will ever listen to this episode)... they're identifying our experience on Earth as indwelling within Earth. It really puts a different perspective, certainly on our being here, on our presence here, on our contributions here, because if we are indwelling with Earth, then we are far more a part of the fabric of Earth than we might have supposed.
And I'm feeling that deeply because as an Earth angel, I really have a sense of my connection to Earth. And yet, not once, not once have I ever thought of myself as indwelling with Earth.
And since I have energies that indwell with me, it gives me perhaps a slightly different perspective, a more unique perspective than others.
And so considering that, and what we wish for Ellen to allow herself to feel here is how the energies that indwell with her, it is no different than you Ellen, indwelling with Earth. It is co-creative. It is not a takeover. It is not a possession. What we notice here is that many people look at their being here on earth as some sort of a takeover, some sort of a possession, that they are somehow above Earth, that they are somehow more intelligent than earth, and that this gives them leave to then do unto Earth that which is in their best interest, fits their wants, fits their greed, and yet is not in the highest and best for either themselves or for Earth.
Yeah, wow. Okay. So we as souls who are energizing human frames, are indwelling with Earth and that changes things if we permit ourselves to really feel into that perspective. Because as was said, indwelling is cocreative, unlike possession.
Those energies that indwell with me, they never overtake me to a point where I don't know what's happening. They're always active to some degree, and yet when they are fully activated, I am still completely aware of everything happening. I am part of the process.
And so considering ourselves and our relationship with Earth in that way, allowing ourselves to view ourselves as energies who are cohabitating within Earth, and understanding that that does not mean that we are taking over earth or that we are meant to in any way.
What can we do differently in our lives on the day-to-day, week to week, month to month, year to year, that will support that co-creative cohabitated relationship? Because that perspective really does change everything. It makes it so very clear that the human does not exist without Earth, or Earth can exist without us, and yet we cannot exist without Earth.
And this isn't meant to be any kind of a doom and gloom episode by any stretch.
This is not a message of warning. This is a message of opportunity. What we want you to see here is that you have options. You can change your objectives. You can make simple changes in your day-to-day lives that better support your relationship with Earth. That is what we wish to convey here.
Yeah, I just actually heard it was definitely not one of our guides. It may be an ancestor of mine or an ancestor of yours I heard say, “Keep it simple, stupid.”
Our guides would never refer to us or anyone as stupid, and I don't refer to anyone as stupid. I would say keep it simple, sweetheart. The stupid part made it very clear that that was coming from another energy and perhaps even a sailor, which is interesting, but that's what it feels like. A sailor.
Anything else to say about this topic? I feel like this is going to be a pretty short episode-
And we have conveyed all we wish to. This isn't about creating some great resource. This isn't about creating any sort of deeper conversation here within this episode. This is about giving you, Ellen, you the listener, something to consider beyond that, which you may have before this. That is all.
And so it is.
Thank you so much for listening. You can subscribe through most major podcast streaming and you can read transcripts and leave comments on my blog at l and m greg.com. The link is in the show notes. Take good care.