Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Why You Need to Stop Fighting

We, as a people, seem to be all about fighting. We're fighting...

  • against bullying; against cancer; against time
  • the good fight; the status quo; the system
  • a chance; a cold; a losing battle
  • anxiety; boredom; fear
  • laughter; sleep; tears
  • abortion; immigration; reformation
  • change; traffic; weather
  • to be heard; to party; to stay calm
  • our ego; our thoughts; our weight
  • for equality; for justice and truth; for peace

Fight or Flight

Fighting anything engages the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which is the hub of our fight-or-flight response; an instinctive part of us that's sparked by DNA coded at the dawn of humanity.It's that part of you that causes adrenaline to surge through you in times of stress and fear. It's that part of you that asks, "Do I stand up to the T-rex, or do I run for my cave?"In essence, the SNS is your body's very own fight club, and it can stay open for business 24/7, if you let it.The problem with fighting is, it creates chaos, dis-ease, and unrest. And the result, just as with a well-matched fist fight, can be fatigue, pain, and trauma.

Rest and Digest

At the opposite end of the nervous-system spectrum is the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), which is the hub of our rest-and-digest response; an instinctive part of us that's sparked by DNA coded at the dawn of humanity.It's that part of you that's responsible for your basic bodily functions, including the production of tears, urination, and digestion. It's that part of you that says, "Be at rest."In essence, the PSNS is your body's very own internal autopilot, and it can man the helm 24/7, if you let it.The benefit of resting is, it creates order, health, and calm. And the result, just as with a good night's sleep, can be renewed vigor, well-being, and relief.

Fighting Doesn't Help

As long as you're fighting, you're catering to an atmosphere that rejects contribution and evolution and resolution. As long as you're fighting, it's impossible to be loving.

As long as you're fighting, it's impossible to be loving.

It's an atmosphere in which cancer can't be healed, weight can't be released, and anxiety can't be soothed. It's an atmosphere in which progress can't be made, people can't be unified, and peace can't be restored.It's an atmosphere in which we're so caught up in either engaging the dinosaur or running for the hills that our most natural state of being - at rest -  is set aside. The effects can be catastrophic.It's an atmosphere that can't exist when you're loving or meditating or praying.

Step out of that stressed-out space and step in to your stress-free zone. You'll be amazed by how you'll feel, and what you'll accomplish. Over to YouWhat's your standard mode of operation? Is it fight or flight, or rest and digest? Do you agree that fighting doesn't help?