Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Wholeness Monday: January 12, 2015

Wholeness MondayWelcome to my new weekly feature: Wholeness Monday. This magazine-style post offers inspiration - links, Pins, etc. - to support your body, mind and spirit: your whole. .) Enjoy!


I'm a huge fan of Trader Joe's for their assortment of vegan-friendly food goods at budget-friendly prices. Last Monday, they posted their Customer Choice Awards: Favorite Products of 2014, which you can view here.I'm also a fan of Whole Foods, although budget-friendly as a descriptive may be stretching it a bit. That's why I was so excited to learn about Thrive Market through Wellness Mama. Thrive Market is, essentially, an online Costco or Sam's Club. You pay a nominal yearly fee, and benefit from better-than-average prices for the healthy foods and body care items you love.One thing that caught my eye, and maybe my heart, too: You can choose to shop based on your values. You read right. You can shop by your value. So, whether your value is Gluten-Free, Healthy Moms, Paleo, Raw or Vegan, you can refine your shopping experience based on that. Isn't that great? On their home page, just scroll down a bit and you'll find them. And it gets better.⇒Time-sensitive offer: Click on that link today, January 12, for an opportunity to win a $500.00 shopping spree at Thrive Market. (20 second-place winners will win a free one-year pass at a value of $59.95.)


A Mashable article I spied on Pinterest lists 7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Mental Health. Two of the seven: use lavender essential oil (one of my go-to oils) and meditate. It's a great, and even sensible, list.This is especially timely, as stress was one of the topics in Psychology this past week. Stress can wreak havoc with your mind and body. From depression to sleeplessness to weight gain, and much more, it can really do a number to you. Those seven simple ways are stress busters.


I was fortunate to spend a significant amount of time with my six-year-old human nephew and 11-week-old fur nephew over the holidays. One of my favorite things to observe about them was how they observed their world, and then how they interacted with it and the people around them. Spontaneous hugs and kisses and "I love you" declarations, effusive tail-wagging and I'm-too-excited-to-control-it peeing... all of it had an immediacy and presence that was equally heartwarming and laughter-inducing.This sweet post - "6 Spiritual Truths From My 6-Year Old" - reminded me of that.Fur Nephew and Nephew | Intuitive Ellen

What's Your Take?

Actually, what's your value? If you were to shop at Thrive Market, what value might you choose to shop under? Is it one of their posted values, or would it be something else?And if that's not your thing, (or if you want extra credit) what warms your heart more: spontaneous hugs and kisses and "I love you" declarations, or effusive tail-wagging and I'm too-excited-to-control-it peeing?