Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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To Be or To Be

To Be or To Be? (That's the real question.)

We see the question from the Shakespeare is "To be or not to be?" We see the question is not for you. We see the question is "To be or to be?" And we see there is but one answer to the question: To be. We see to be is to be... ♥ present ♥ mindful ♥ aware ♥ in alignment ♥ open ♥ accepting ♥ understanding ♥ intuitive ♥ energized ♥ powered by light We see to be is to be the light. We wish for you to understand the difference between being and not being. We see not being is... ♣ thinking ♣ working for a purpose not of the light ♣ seeking external rewards ♣ seeking external love ♣ loving things over people ♣ loving self over the soul ♣ loving the power of the dark ♣ taking what is not yours ♣ treating yourself and others with malice ♣ treating yourself and others with anything other than love ♣ treating any earth-related life with anything other than love The one is with the Earth. The one is with you. The one is with all. The paradigm which has begun with the full moon on the Tuesday , July 19 is in presence with all. We wish for you to synchronize with the new paradigm. We wish for you to be and to not do. We wish for you to remember the light of your soul and to be the light of your soul as you walk through your life. We see this is the time for this. We see the need for this. We see the desire to do will fade and the need to be will be all. The power of the one is the power of the light and the power of the light is the power of all. We wish for you to remember.