Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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The Energies of the Equinox

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The Incoming Equinox

This incoming Equinox, in particular, is higher than high in terms of the energies it's bringing in with it. You may be feeling unusually restless, or anticipatory, or anxious, or excited, or all of the above. That's because we're entering a cycle in the energetic growth of Earth that has been in the works for almost 100 years.There's a tuning-up and turning-on that is almost impossible to overlook, and it's affecting everyone. The effects of this shift are pushing a tremendous amount of people to take leaps of faith that will change the course of their lives for the rest of their lives. That's how powerful this shift is. The power of it will be felt for generations to come.

For me, the shift is impeccably timed.

The Equinox falls three days prior to my 50th birthday, and its energies will support a transition I've been preparing (and prepared) for over the past two weeks. While I'll celebrate my birthday on the 26th, I'll celebrate my re-birthday on the 27th, with the full moon rising at 10:51 pm Eastern.I'll welcome the to-be me with a ritual that I've also been preparing (and prepared) for over the past several weeks. The synchronicity of being in a college course that's all about sacred rituals and ceremonies is sweet indeed, as it's helped me to create a context to recreate a ritual from eons ago, when I walked the Earth as a woman named Alessandra. To have access to the information I need to recreate the ritual is awesome, in the truest sense of the word. To have the support and the openness to recreate the ritual is a blessing.

And that brings me to an invitation.

You're invited to envision a transition ritual that helps you to leverage the beautiful energies of the Equinox on the 23rd, and the full moon on the 27th, and to implement it. Whether it's a sacred fire, the lighting of a candle, praying for acceptance and integration, or meditating on the transition, allow yourself to be guided to a ritual that solely honors you and your journey in this lifetime.