Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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001: Saralyn Salisbury-Jones

Saralyn Salisbury-Jones is the dynamic first guest on Soul Chats Podcast. She shares her philosophy on wellness, how she arrived at that philosophy, and the creation of Middle Way Wellness.

Saralyn’s “the real deal.” She’s walked through the trenches, so to speak, on her way to understanding what she needed to create wellness in her own life. That understanding led her to pursue health coaching, which then evolved into her very special offering.

She speaks deep truths about diet culture, and delivers great wisdom along the way.

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Quotable Saralyn Salisbury-Jones

For me, the Middle Way is really looking within yourself and finding what is true for you while avoiding the need to choose one extreme over another... You just discover your Middle Way through lived experiences and looking within yourself to find your own truth.

In the midst of diet culture vs. acceptance, it sometimes feels as though women, in particular, can’t win.

I have some chronic health issues. And I remember feeling so conflicted whether I had to choose between Western bio-medicine approaches and treatments or more holistic alternative medicine… I was finally like, I don’t have to pick between biomedicine and alternative medicine. I’m going to take what works for me and leave the rest.

I swear to tell the truth - my truth - and know that it may not be your truth.

On the Middle Way, you pick up what serves you and leave the rest, and you don’t have to be married to what serves you.

Middle Way Wellness in general, is not a diet, a meal plan, a prescriptive thing… It’s a philosophy.

Aligned rather than assigned.

We’re looking within ourselves to figure out what wellness means for us at soul level.

The whole membership is about facilitating that process of releasing shame, cultivating self-acceptance and embracing sustainable habits rather than restrictions.

Wellness isn’t just physical.

Connect with Saralyn

Instagram: @sarlyn_strong

Facebook: Saralyn Salisbury-Jones


Empath Survival Guide by Judith Orloff, MD

Soul Chats, Episode 001: Saralyn Salisbury-Jones was published 2 January 2020 by Ellen M. Gregg ~ Intuitive Healer.