Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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The Productive Nature of Mercury Retrograde

Make that the productive and relaxed nature of Mercury Retrograde. And if that isn’t your experience with Mercury Retrograde, aka Mercury Rx, as of this point, read on for possible inspiration.

"Slow down. You're moving too fast... Feeling groovy... Life, I love you. All is groovy."

So sing Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, and so is the groovy vibration of Mercury Retrograde, which we entered into today and will enjoy through May 22.

I like to describe Mercury Retrograde as the zone of the productive and transformative "re" words. My journal entry today (so far; just getting started) fleshes out and illustrates that description.

28 April, 2016: Mercury Retrograde.
Reviewing: Business. Place. Purpose.
Restoring: Health. Sleep. Purpose.
Resuming: Living. Laughing. Loving.
Revealing: Truth. Falsehood. Presence. Purpose.
Replenishing: Breath. Focus. Trust. Faith.
Recreating: Health. Adventure.
Reliving: Purpose.
Reprieving*: Finances. Health.
Releasing: Traitorous tendencies.**
Rebalancing: Health.
Retuning: Life.
Reveling: Living. Laughing. Loving.
Representing: Purpose.

So many "re" words, right? And each productive and transformative in their own way - even recreation, although conventional expectations might say otherwise.

It's easy to get wound-up and fearful around Mercury Retrograde because of its overtone of rewinding and the strong suggestion to refrain from starting anything new or signing important contracts, etc. It's easy to think that a retrograde effectively ties our hands and feet from making progress. That isn't true.

Mercury Retrograde is Necessary

It's an opportunity to use our preferred check-and-balance methods to make sure we're on track. Let's add a couple more "re" words.

Recycling: Old paradigms. Diets.
Reducing: Excess. Self-talk.

Mercury Retrograde can help us reclaim our soul power. "Re" up, groovers! Here’s some Simon & Garfunkel to get us started:


  *Who'd've thought "reprieving" could be productive? Not me, until I really leaned into its deeper meaning in reference to the subjects it relates to. What do you need a reprieve from? What do your psyche and soul need a reprieve from?

 **Traitorous to the soul.