Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Proactive Boundaries

What are boundaries? They’re borders; lines. They preserve or protect or perhaps make a statement (maybe all three). With boundaries, we’re better able to navigate our day-to-day existence and our entire life.

While many people have at least some awareness of boundaries, and may even have some established, maintaining them is critical for our physical and mental well-being, as well as for our energetic well-being.

Proactive boundaries serve us in that way.

Allow that you will consider the boundaries of your social life. Who do you permit within that circle? What do you require for behavior, for language, for energy? This powerful contemplation affords you the insight into the basic expression of your personal boundaries.

Social boundaries

Interesting that our first channeled message speaks to social boundaries. Then again, for some (many?) people it could be that they’re closer to their circle of friends than to their family. That being the case, it makes great sense to begin there.

Contemplating our circle of friends - particularly those who are closest to us; our besties; our Ya-Yas - to gauge our allowances (and disallowances) around behavior, language and overall energy may provide us with a firm foundation for other boundaries.

“Contemplating our circle of friends - particularly those who are closest to us; our besties; our Ya-Yas - to gauge our allowances (and disallowances) around behavior, language and overall energy may provide us with a firm foundation for other boundaries.“ Quote from Proactive Boundaries by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. #boundaries #socialboundaries #settingboundaries #selfcare #selfworth #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer

It could be said that those “social” boundaries are the most sacred. Why is that? Because the relationships are established and probably long-standing.

We likely allow our close circle of friends to say things to us - you know, the unvarnished and intimate truth delivered in colorful language - that would be highly inappropriate (and unwelcome) from a coworker or a boss.

We likely have a clear sense of the energy each of those people brings with them, carries with them. It’s unlikely we’d intentionally share sacred space with someone who willfully arrives laden with energetic slime and ick time and time again.

We likely hold a level of comfort around calling out bullshit with each other when or if needed. It’s how we deeply and honestly and lovingly support each other.

Other boundaries

The boundaries you establish with your social circle are a template for the boundaries you establish with other relationships. The template adjusts to suit the nature of the other relationships, and yet clearly defines what is acceptable and unacceptable, and makes way for clear articulation of those boundaries.

“The boundaries you establish with your social circle are a template for the boundaries you establish with other relationships. The template adjusts to suit the nature of the other relationships, and yet clearly defines what is acceptable and unacceptable, and makes way for clear articulation of those boundaries.” Quote from Proactive Boundaries by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. #boundaries #socialboundaries #settingboundaries #selfcare #selfworth #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer

Yes. Loving that message, and especially loving the last statement. It’s imperative that we’re able to clearly articulate our boundaries.

That includes energetic boundaries - spiritual boundaries; the sort of boundaries that call for intention coupled with intuition, and may include crystals, herbs, energy work, magick… These boundaries are equal in importance to our run-of-the-mill human boundaries.

Whether we do so from the get-go, or do so on the fly, being clear on our boundaries to begin with is what initially makes way for their clear articulation.

We’re taken the rest of the way through our unwavering commitment to our self-care; our self-worth and self-preservation; our self-love. If we’re committed to ourselves in that way, the words will come as needed.

That’s the proactive nature of boundaries: our ability to articulate them clearly and in the moment, and perhaps to establish and articulate them clearly and in the moment. Again, if we’re committed to ourselves, we’re able to serve ourselves in this way.

We wish you will revisit and re-envision your boundaries, that they are current with you and your life.

There’s our homework. And what worthwhile homework it is, dear ones. We are so worth it. You are so worth it.

Blessed be.