Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Opening Yourself to Spirits for Channeling

Opening yourself to spirits - to ancestors, spirit guides, etc. - for channeling isn’t rocket science. Opening yourself to spirits for channeling is a different way of communicating; a way that’s sometimes subtly and sometimes overtly different from communicating with other humans.

One thing it requires: trust. Another thing it requires: intention. One more thing it requires: surrender.

Opening Yourself to Spirits, a blog post by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Channel & Healer. #spirits #spiritguides #ancestors #trust #intention #surrender #ego #channeling #medium #mediumship #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer

I receive a lot of questions about connecting with spirits and spirit guides. Side by side with that, I receive a lot of questions about channeling spirits and spirit guides (and angels, and ascended masters, and…)

While I’ve spoken about connecting with various energies through many blog posts and podcast episodes, one approach I don’t believe I’ve taken is that of opening yourself to those energies.

If you’re a person who wants to channel in any way, opening yourself to spirits and other energies is the critical first step. And while it would be convenient if there was one specific model for doing that, there isn’t. The reason there isn’t is because we are unique individuals with unique perspectives and unique abilities.

That means that while I open myself in a very specific way to channeling spirits, your way will be unique to you. Even so, there are some basic parameters that will support you in beginning the process.


Trust is key for opening yourself to spirits for channeling. Specifically, you must trust yourself, which means trusting your process, trusting your abilities, trusting your readiness, trusting your worthiness…

The ego can really do a number to us when it comes to trust, and much of it boils down to worthiness, which is why it’s mentioned here. Your ability to connect with spirits for channeling is only tied to your worthiness if you allow it; if you choose it.

Otherwise, worthiness has nothing to do with it.

Trust in your process, abilities and readiness have a lot to do with it, though. Because if you’re looking at others who channel and comparing your process, abilities and readiness to them, you’re ended before you’ve begun.

This is where intuition - specifically, your intuitive yes and no response - can show up on your behalf and refute your ego’s opinions about the validity of your process, the strength of your abilities and your readiness to be of service in this particular way.

If you trust yourself, you’re almost halfway there.


Intention is the next slice of this spiritual pie. Your intention must be clear and certain. That means, you need to be clear on who you intend on connecting with for channeling, and certain of that intention.

If you’re wishy-washy, you may connect with spirits you are unfamiliar with and/or really don’t resonate with you and your intention. And you may connect with a lot more spirits than you’re willing to entertain at one time, clamoring for the opportunity because you unintentionally made it available to them.

You could end up being like a spiritual deli counter, with dozens queued up, numbered tickets in hand. “Next!” As cool sounding as that might be, trust me when I say it’s something you don’t want to initiate.

Setting a clear and certain intention around what spirit or spirits you wish to connect with for channeling both directs and protects your energy and efforts.


Surrender is equal in size to trust in this particular pie. With trust and intention in place, now it’s time to surrender to the process.

What surrender isn’t about is putting yourself at the mercy of the spirits your channeling. You aren’t their plaything. You aren’t their puppet.

What surrender is about is being a witness and observer to, and cocreator of, the process. It isn’t about controlling anything, including how the channeling occurs. Instead, it’s about standing on equal ground - a level playing field - with the spirits you’re channeling.

When you’re in the energy of surrender, engaging with spirits for channeling becomes a simple and yet sensational matter. And it’s completely possible for you, if that’s your wish.

“When you’re in the energy of surrender, engaging with spirits for channeling becomes a simple and yet sensational matter. And it’s completely possible for you, if that’s your wish.“ Quote from Opening Yourself to Spirits, a blog post by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Channel & Healer. #spirits #spiritguides #ancestors #trust #intention #surrender #ego #channeling #medium #mediumship #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer

Is it your wish? If “yes,” trust, intend and surrender. You’ll be on your marvelous and magical way to channeling spirits.

Blessed be.