Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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018. ShiftIt Institute with Maureen Pelton and Charlie Hartwell

In episode 018 of Innately Intuitive Podcast, I’m honored to have a conversation with Maureen Pelton and Charlie Hartwell of ShiftIt Institute. In this episode, we speak, among other things, of:

  • paradigm shifts and how they impact our lives

  • resistance to change (and therefore evolution)

  • how non-attachment supports us

  • the concept of a gender-free future

  • the advantage of surrender

It’s a rich episode that I’m thrilled to share with you. Enjoy.

Innately Intuitive Podcast by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Channel & Healer, episode 018. ShiftIt Institute with Maureen Pelton & Charlie Hartwell. #shiftitinstitute #maureenpelton #charliehartwell #shift #evolution #paradigmshift #transformation #sovereignty #intuition #soulwork #embodiedsoul #ellenmgregg #innatelyintuitivepodcast #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer #innatelyintuitive

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The Transcript

Hi. Welcome to Innately Intuitive Podcast, where owning your intuition is as much about raising your vibration as it is about grounding you. I'm Ellen M. Gregg, your host.

In case you're new, it will be helpful to know that a lot of channeling happens here, including the topics of all solo episodes. It's one of the ways my spirit team keeps me awake and present. Enjoy.

Hi, everyone. I have a special treat for you today. Today, we have not one guest, we have two guests, and they are Maureen Pelton and Charlie Hartwell of the ShiftIt Institute. And you did hear that right: ShiftIt.

And as we proceed here, I will invite you to consider what ShiftIt means for you. How do you embody the energy of shifting, and maybe what needs to be shifted in your life? So welcome, Charlie and Maureen.

C: Hello.

M: Hi. Thank you for having us.

E: Oh, I'm honored to have you, truly. And so I'm wondering if you could both as makes sense to you, talk about what the ShiftIt Institute is and what your roles are within it.

M: Okay. So I am a social scientist with 35 years of experience, but I'm also a mystic and a channel and a medium, and I have been living between the worlds, but navigating the practical wisdom in my work and bridging the different dimensions.
So I have worked in mental health. I've worked at universities teaching. I've worked in integrative health. I have worked in the corporate world. And my passion is to ignite consciousness and invite human flourishing, but what that entails is shifting paradigms. So ShiftIt is about shifting paradigms and living beyond the limitations of our entrained embodiment. And Charlie is my partner and my husband, and he can tell you a little bit about him.

E: Great, thank you.

C: So, I have more of a business background. I'm a Harvard Business School graduate. I've worked in 14 different industries. I'm really comfortable when I'm helping to co-create global movements and most of my work at ShiftIt Institute is as managing director of something called the Bridge Builders collaborative, which is a group of investors who have been, for the last almost 10 years, investing to help bring things like mindfulness and mental health and behavioral health platforms, digital therapeutics consciousness and spirituality to scale through investing in start-up businesses. So, that's primarily what I do for Bridge Builders and for ShiftIt.

E: Wow. Okay, so we have bridging and we have bridges, which is really interesting. So Maureen, when you talk about bridging the dimensions, I hear you because I often talk about walking through this life I'm living… it isn't walking between worlds; it's walking in two worlds. So walking in the human, walking in the spiritual. There's no fence navigating. It’s planting, you know, one leg in one world, one leg in the other and, you know, good luck, here you go.
So, when you talk about then bridging dimensions, is that what you're talking about? Because I know one thing that my guides talk to me pretty incessantly about is about mixing the human with the spiritual; the human with the intuitive; the human with the soul. They aren't meant to live irrespective of each other. They are meant to be co-creators.

M: Correct, but I would call it is embodiment. I am a spiritual or energetic being in physical form, having a human experience, and there is no impact, there's no joy if we're not bringing the multi-dimensional world that our souls and spirit guides and energies, reside in; if we're not bringing them through our bodies here to this human experience and to this dimension to have an impact, to have engagement.
So my life has been- Since I was 21 and I had an opening - a spontaneous mystical experience - my life has been about this embodiment and inviting others to appreciate that we are souls in physical form and that is the multi-dimensional world in which I live. So I’m navigating between not two dimensions, between many dimensions and this physical form.

E: When you say many dimensions then, in addition to this physical form, what are some of those dimensions?

Please note: This transcript is incomplete. It will be completed as soon as possible.


ShiftIt Institute (website)

Insight Timer (Maureen Pelton)

Bridge Builders Collaborative (website)

Podcast music: “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.