Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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001. Inaugural Episode, Innately Intuitive Podcast

In this inaugural episode of Innately Intuitive (the podcast), we talk about intuitive innateness. We also talk about what to expect from the podcast, which replaces Soul Chats Podcast.

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Today is Imbolc, which somehow seems fitting as I'm recording this inaugural episode of Innately Intuitive, the podcast. It seems fitting because Imbolc is the celebration of the midwinter point. In a little over six weeks, we will enter Spring - here in the Northern hemisphere, at least.

And so this is the period of time in which rushing begins. And by rushing…

What we mean to have you understand is the rushing is the rushing of life. The rushing is the incidents in which there are animals who are preparing for the nesting time, for the breeding time. There are plants who, even under the cover of the snow which has fallen over the past 24 hours, are preparing themselves for the warmth of Spring. And in this then it could be said, spoken, interpreted that this inaugural episode is, in and of itself, a sort of a preparation; a sort of a preparing for what is to come; for growth; for blooming; for blossoming. And so we begin.

Yes. And I love that. That is what it feels like, because as much as this is the inaugural episode, I feel as though it's also in some ways an icebreaker for myself perhaps for you, too. Because having transitioned from Soul Chats Podcast into Innately Intuitive podcast, there is intended to be a difference between the two.

And while there is a sense of what that will become…

…it will be that there will be a period of growth to bring it into its full fruition.

Yes. That. So, yes. Imbolc; midwinter here in the Northern hemisphere. And it's Ostara in the Southern hemisphere. It's the midsummer point. They are in preparation, at this point, for the coming of Autumn.

So, both hemispheres are in this really interesting, very liminal in-between time. And the liminality of that is actually very much reflective of our innate intuitive nature.

Because our intuition lives in a sort of in-between point; juncture; field. And it is because of that that it has its toes dipped both in our human spectrum, and also in the divine spectrum; the spiritual spectrum; the universal spectrum.

Quote from episode 001 (Inaugural Episode) of Innately Intuitive podcast by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. #innatelyintuitive #innatelyintuitivepodcast #intuitivenature #intuition #intuitive #quote #intuitionquote #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer

And that is how we are able to touch, sense, feel, see, hear, know that which is not present with us in the human way…perhaps that which has not yet occurred in our current human time frame... perhaps that which occurred thousands of years ago in our human time frame and yet is as much a part of us as we are now as it was a part of us then because of our ability to tap into other incarnations that we have inhabited.

It's a really fascinating thing. And sure we could say it's a magical thing. It's a mystical thing. It's an improbable thing. Some would definitely say it's an impossible thing. And yet, as the song goes, “impossible things are happening every day.”

And fact is, it is our intuition that allows us to leap over that which is improbable or “impossible” - putting that in quotes. I really don't think anything is truly impossible, especially when it comes to our intuition and what it permits us to access.

One thing that we feel it is very important to address here is that there are many of you who are listening now who have a sense of their intuition and yet they only put their intuition to work when things are in a sort of a crisis; when there is a hot point in their lives and they are feeling that pinch which seems to call them to that particular action.
And this is where we see there needs to be change. Because if you are truly to embrace, to own your innately intuitive nature, then intuition does not belong only in those times when things are awry; things are amiss; things are problematic; things are devastating. Intuition belongs in those moments when you are quietly sipping your tea and reading a book and simply being in a place of pleasure and peace.
This is something we wish for you to take into some consideration because we will be pushing this, pressing this, positioning this in a way which is going to ask you to step away from the way you have categorized and cornered intuition... and instead allow it to touch every part, aspect, piece, moment of your existence.

Quote from episode 001 (Inaugural Episode) of Innately Intuitive podcast by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. #innatelyintuitive #innatelyintuitivepodcast #intuitivenature #intuition #intuitive #quote #intuitionquote #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer

Powerful words there, yah? So, that gives us certainly a little glimpse into what we might expect from this podcast. What I will say is, please be more prepared to expect the unexpected.

I don't believe there is going to be any particular… mmm… order, so to speak, to this. I don't feel as though we're going to find that there is some, or perhaps any, similarity from episode to episode.

I already know that I have been guided to have a guest on my podcast -actually somebody that I had on Soul Chats Podcast. And she is returning and you'll find why. That will happen this month: February 2021. And I really look forward to sharing that with you.

What I'd like for you to envision here, as we are moving forward with this, is as though we are sitting at a kitchen table. And perhaps it's just you and me... perhaps it's you, me and several others… and we are having a conversation. We are sharing our experiences.

And we are supporting and sometimes challenging each other to be more intentionally intuitive; to reframe intuition so that it is no longer something that is a gift and for the gifted into something that is accessible to and intended for everyone. Okay?

So, let me see if there's anything else that I’m meant to say today, or that I'm meant to channel today since there was obviously some channeling that happened. And I'm getting a no on that.

So, I do believe that by and large there will be an episode every week. Will it be on the same day every week? No, probably not, and yet the plan is to produce an episode each week. Sometimes there will be a guest. Sometimes there won't. Sometimes there may be more than one guest.

It will be something we'll experience together because there's been nothing concrete for me to look to in regards to what this podcast is meant to look like. And I'm okay with that. I hope you are too. It'll be an adventure because, you know, life is an adventure. Intuition is an adventure.

So here I am cheers-ing you with my hot cup of black coffee with a little dash of cayenne in it, in my cute winter mug, from very snowy, cold New Hampshire. And I look forward to connecting with you next week. You take good care.

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Thank you so much. Until next time.


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