Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Exploring the Second Road

Hello and welcome to the latest Reflection.

Let’s get right to it, shall we?

In Lammas Night, a book I read recently, “second road” was probably the most frequently-used term, and for good reason. It was used to describe the spiritual or psychic plane; that vehicle we use to transition from viewing with our human eyes in New Hampshire, let’s say, to viewing with our third eye, aka our soul eye, in Rome, let’s say.

In some instances we might not even realize we’ve navigated that “road,” so fast is the transition from the human sight to the soul sight. In other instances, we might find the road quite lengthy - even leisurely, in a way.

A confounding thing about the second road is this: For all it’s a transport to viewing with our third eye, our third eye is required to view the road itself along with anyone (or anything) we might be sharing it with. Confounding, right?

Then again…

Deepening into the second road

The thing is, there’s a profound difference between viewing the second road itself and remote-viewing whatever it is we’re “traveling” to Rome to see.

On the second road, all human markers are gone. We won’t find flooring or dirt, wallboard or cement, sky or pavement. We will find we’re without any semblance of our human form as we’ve essentially left our body sitting or lying wherever we undertook our road trip from.

The second road is rife with intangibles (“unable to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence”), which is confounding only to a slightly lesser degree as it’s purely sensory. The sensory aspect, however, comes from our intuitive senses which are, as a reminder, spiritual reflections of our human senses.

So, if our trip on the second road is memorable - is able to be taken with awareness allowing us to gather intelligence about it - we may notice things about it, such as how it looked, felt, smelled, tasted, sounded.

Traveling the second road

Traveling the second road “takes guts,” I hear. Ha! That’s pretty funny and perhaps accurate in that there’s no knowing what you might encounter. It could also be considered cautionary for that same reason.

As with any energetic/intuitive/spiritual activities, precautions are an imperative, which is why we first make certain we’re grounded, cleared and shielded. With that taken care of, we can embark on our second-road trip with careful confidence.

How do we do that?

We do that by:

  1. centering ourselves,

  2. focusing our energy on our heart and third-eye chakras simultaneously and

  3. intending we enter the second road.

Notice I didn’t mention having a destination in mind? That’s because you don’t need to have a destination in mind. You could, certainly, and yet it isn’t required.

It’s perfectly acceptable to enter the second road with your destination unknown and see where you end up. It may be that your destination is the second road itself and what may lie in wait for your attention.

Will you explore the second road? Have you already? I’d love to know.

🔮 Come play in the sandbox with me

“Play in the sandbox” is a phrase I use to symbolize investing time in practicing intuitive, spiritual, magickal, energetic things.

In this instance, I was inspired to create a complimentary (aka free) event for the purpose of reading cards - Tarot, oracle, Lenormand, playing (it’s a thing!) - intuitively. That means no books telling us what the cards mean.

The very loose container - play-in-the-sandbox time - will start with a general overview of what reading cards intuitively can mean. Then, all participants (myself included) will draw a card or two in answer to a series of a few questions and discuss what the cards intuitively offer.

If time permits, those who are game to stretch their practice might use breakout rooms to read intuitively for each other.

Here are the practical details:

  • Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2024

  • Time: 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm EDT U.S.

  • Place: Zoom (Link will be sent two hours prior to event)

  • Bring: Your preferred deck of cards

***So sorry. This event has already passed. There’ll be more to come, though.***

Personally Speaking

There are very odd and amazing happenings at and in the nesting box on the right side of our shed front. Two weeks ago this past Saturday, we observed fledgling wrens taking their first flights from it.

Since then, there’s been a flurry of activity from both wren *and* bluebird adults bringing food to that same nesting house. We’ve seen a baby bird head, beak wide open, sticking out of the entrance on occasion. We’ve heard their hungry cries when we’re nearby.

We’re gobsmacked and delighted, and yet more gobsmacked than delighted. We can maybe guess these other babies might be bluebirds. Possibly? They’re certainly well-fed, given that four adults - two bluebirds and two wrens - bring food to them throughout the day.

How could this be? Have you ever heard of or observed such a thing before? Stay tuned for the latest update. 🐦

That’s all for this week. Until next time. xoxo

Yours in peace and gratitude,