Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Establishing Energy Baselines

On 19 January I wrote about removing potential barricades around energy healing; not getting overly "precious" around our where and when and how; focusing on the needs of those we're supporting and staying in the moment.

Another thing to keep in mind is what our own baseline is before we support someone, be that with energy work, intuition, mediumship, card readings, etc.

Our Baseline

It's important to know how we're feeling mentally, physically and emotionally, and have a sense of how we're feeling about the day in general before we get started.

This makes it so that when we're supporting others through our services and we start noticing things - feelings, sensations, etc. - we're better able to discern if those new things are ours or our clients', or perhaps in-spirit loved ones of our clients.

It's worth noting that sometimes those feelings and sensations can feel so "real" to us that it's actually challenging to discern what's ours and what's someone else's. In those instances, practice makes progress.

We begin noticing nuances related to those impressions that make clear they aren't ours. Subtle though they may be, we create a language, of sorts, that clears away the doubt so we can feel confident in knowing what's what.

So, if you aren't doing so already, give yourself the opportunity to establish a baseline for yourself every day.

Establishing a Baseline

Take a couple/few minutes to notice how you're feeling mentally, emotionally and physically, and how you're feeling about the day in general. From there, you'll be better equipped to navigate interpreting others' stuff.

Personally Speaking

Happy March! What happened to February? Even though it contained an extra day, it still evaporated as I experienced it. And while the equinox is over two weeks away, I happily replaced our Winter (and Valentine) décor with Spring (and St. Patrick's Day) décor last Friday. It's a welcome change.

The phrase Good Morning superimposed in front of a simple rising sun graphic.

What isn't as welcome is the upcoming time change for most of the U.S. from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time. It's scheduled for this coming weekend, it no longer makes any sense to me, and I'm loath to give up waking with the dawn around 6:00 am. Pushing the clocks ahead means dawn will be an hour later. Boo! (I'm a true morning person. Are you?)

Sharing the goodness

Back in November, I needed help. I was dealing with a lot of emotional baggage that was taking up space within me and the time had finally come to do something about it. As I considered the options available, Emotion Code® stood out as being what I would most benefit from; that was the guidance I received. And so, I booked an Emotion Code® session with Deneen Bernier.

It was beyond amazing. In the hour I spent on the phone with Deneen, I released decades of stored emotional energy. It was cathartic and an incredible relief, and I gladly recounted my experience to some close friends. One of those friends recently had their own Emotion Code® session with Deneen and informed me it was a "great experience" for them, too.

This is to say that if you find you're in need of purging emotional baggage with the support of a compassionate soul, I urge you to book an Emotion Code® session with Deneen using the button below. (I've also benefitted from her Customized Flow session.)

Deneen's Website

All the books

2024 has been a reading-centric year for me so far. I've read 14 books as of this point and am close to finishing number 15. (3 were started in 2023 and finished in 2024.)

The choosing of these books has been fascinating, to say the least. Once I finished the first three (those begun in 2023), I chose to surrender the book selections to my spirit guides.

To do that, I open my Kindle to the library, unfocus my eyes so I'm not reading any titles, and scroll down the list until I feel a pull indicating the book is on the screen. Then, I focus just enough to be guided to the new selection.

I admit to more than a few "Really?!" moments through the process. Even so, I followed through and was glad for it. Maybe you'll want to try similar. You might be pleasantly surprised. Anyway, here they are (favorites are asterisked):

  • Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan

  • Grimoire Girl by Hilarie Burton Morgan

  • The Stories We Tell by Joanna Gaines

  • The Mapmaker's Daughter by Clare Marchant

  • The Wedding Dress Sewing Circle by Jennifer Ryan*

  • The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett*

  • Wanderers by Chuck Wendig

  • The Daughters of Temperance Hobbs by Katherine Howe*

  • Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

  • The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd*

  • Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

  • The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid*

  • A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick*

  • Home Work: A Memoir of My Hollywood Years by Julie Andrews

If you're on Goodreads and want to connect there, here's my profile link: click here. I'm doing so well with my 2024 Reading Challenge that I changed my reading commitment from 24 to 36 books. It feels doable, which is very welcome after a long reading drought.

And that's that until next time.

In peace and gratitude,