Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Energy Reading: March 26 to April 1, 2018

Good day! This is our energy reading for the week of March 26 through April 1, 2018.Channeled Energy Reading for March 26 - April 1, 2018, featuring The Housewives Tarot. ~ Intuitive EllenThe video reading is just below, and the full transcript is below that, for those who prefer reading. Have a great week!


Hello, and welcome to our weekly reading. This energy reading is for the week of March 26 through April 1. Holy moley. (giggle)So, we are working with The Housewives Tarot deck, and we're looking at two aspects of life: our human selves and our soul selves.So, let's get started and find out what's in store for us this week, beginning with our human selves.Okay. (giggle) The Fool. Will ya look at that. The Fool.So, The Fool is the first card in the major arcana of Tarot. Its number - I don't know if you noticed - is zero. And that's because The Fool is just getting started.So, let's find out what that energy means for us this week.

We notice that with the energy of The Fool, we are asking you to be in emptiness; to ask yourself how you might refrain from imposing any outside influences upon your internal work. In this way, this creates an emptiness which permits you to put upon yourself what you need, that you may then begin your new journey.

Oh. Okay. I like that.The Fool... When I think of that card, the word "foolish" comes to mind, which kind of makes sense - except for the fact that when we typically use the word "foolish," we're using it in a derogatory fashion.The word "foolish," even though I'm not looking it up in the dictionary, it's vibration more feels like one who just doesn't take other things into consideration before making a move.And while it would be easy to say, "That isn't a good idea," the point of this message is, we need to, as I just heard, "divest" ourselves of external influences that are "abiding" within us.Because those external forces are coming, perhaps, from well-intentions places - are coming from lessons that we've chosen to learn; I just heard, "classes" we've chosen to take; people we admire and so listen to and perhaps really take their words to heart - and make sure within that clarity of just stripping all that away, that whatever we do "imbue" (there's another great word) ourselves with resonates; really resonates at the intuitive level; at the soul level.And in doing that, what we impart upon our human lives is our core energy. It truly becomes our experience, rather than an experience that's influenced by other people's opinions of what our experience is meant to be. Okay?So, really interesting energy for this week. It's a great invitational energy. Is "invitational" a word? It is now. (giggle) If it wasn't, it is now.So, yes. An invitation to do the work necessary to make that the path we're walking is the path we're meant to be walking. Okay?Ooh. Big. Big stuff. Good stuff.All right. So... hilarious. For our soul selves. [Two of Swords] Is she really going to attempt to carve that turkey with that blindfold on? It actually feels like she could.They're showing me a scene from Star Wars: A New Hope - so, the original Star Wars movie - where Luke, for the first time, is challenged by Obi Wan Kenobi to trust the Force rather than trusting his own eyesight.And so, I believe he actually does put something over his eyes so he can't see. And, if you've seen the movie, perhaps you'll remember that there is some kind of an orb that is shooting laser beams of some sort at him while he's wielding his lightsaber.And even with that machine over his eyes so he can't see what's happening, he is easily able to deflect those laser lights.So what does that mean for us, having said all that without asking for channeled information? And now we'll get the channeled information.

We notice that in this, we ask for you to understand that the soul does not require human senses. Soul energy requires those senses which exist without the physical senses. And in this, it is why we are insistent that Ellen speak always regarding intuition. For it is intuition which holds the truth. It is intuition which holds all excellence; all validation that is every required. Notice we have asked Ellen to close her eyes. And we notice that even so, she is appearing on camera; she is working; and, in fact, she is beginning to notice what is happening here, with her soul eye. And when we ask Ellen to ask, "What is needed," we show her a Ferris Wheel. What does a Ferris Wheel offer? It offers a gentle, and also complete, viewing of what is around the area.

Okay. Well, that was pretty neat. I appreciate the vision. And it was like a movie, because I was definitely seeing the Ferris Wheel moving around.And it was interesting that my inner eye - my soul eye - was really captivated always by the cart - seat - as it got to the top of the wheel. Each one. That was the one I was drawn back to, again and again, because it's at the height of the wheel - the top of the wheel - and so has, arguably, the best view; the most complete view.However, even as the carts are moving around the different aspects of the wheel - even as they're coming to the bottom of the wheel - there's still something to see. There's still information to be received.So, different perspectives. Right? And that, I believe, is the gift of our intuitive senses and, in this case, our intuitive sight. Because we can look at a situation with our physical eyes, and perhaps be horrified or, as I just heard, "mollified."And then when we ask - and I do make it a point to ask - for a vision of the same situation within my third eye, I'm typically shown something of an energetic form. Yes, it can sometimes come in like the vision of the Ferris Wheel. Um...Oftentimes, it will come in a way that is, uh, very metaphorical, and to a point where it might seem like there's no correlation. Except then, when it's studied, it becomes apparent that there definitely is a correlation.It's a different way of looking at it. It's a more, I just heard, "cohesive" way of looking at it. It's also a much more clear way of looking at it, because all of the external forces of the human life are stripped away from it. And so, we're looking at the "bare bones" of it. And that's where we gain the true insight. That's where we gain the truth. Period. Okay?So, wow. That was interesting. Uh... I feel like it went off on a little tangent in a way, and yet it feels really important.So, why might these two cards together be important this week? How might they work with each other?For me, it just - it seems pretty obvious.The fact that with The Fool, we're asked to be as The Fool; to be without... without things we need. Look how all of those things are just flying out of her bag. So, all the things that she thinks that she needs she isn't going to have in a moment. Because, in a way, she doesn't have a care in the world. That's her tone. She doesn't have a card in the world.And this one is about trust. Trusting the process. Trusting the journey. Trusting that we do have what we need, even if it's stuff we can't put in our purse; even if it isn't stuff we can say, "Yeah, look. See? I took this course. Here's my proof."We don't need that kind of proof. Okay?So... Go forth. Be a little foolish this week. And trust the Force.Until next time, take really good care. Lots of love.