Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Adventures in Reiki with Amy Kristina

Welcome to episode 4 of The Everyday Intuitive Podcast. In this episode, I’m having a conversation with Amy Rushton of Amy Kristina Healing. Amy is a super-curious Reiki master who has taken her healing skills to fascinating levels. In addition, she’s a healing artist; someone who is able to infuse healing energy into the art she creates. I hope you enjoy the episode. You’ll find the transcript below.

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Adventures in Reiki with Amy Kristina Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Channel


Ellen: Welcome to The Everyday Intuitive Podcast. I'm your host, Ellen Gregg. Today's guest is Amy Kristina of Amy Kristina Healing. Enjoy. Welcome to the Everyday Intuitive Podcast, Amy Rushton. How are you doing today?

Amy: I'm doing great. Thank you so much for having me. I'm very excited to be here.

Ellen: I'm so grateful that you said yes to this conversation because it feels like there are so many things that will be helpful for people through this conversation.

Amy: Oh, that's good. It does feel like that, doesn't it? It was funny. I was nervous at first, like, wait a minute, am I going to be, and then I said, you know what? It's just a conversation. Let's just see what comes up. And it does sort of feel like if it helps other people, that's amazing.

Ellen: Absolutely. Absolutely. And perhaps it'll also help us. You just never know. You just never know.

Amy: Everything’s multifaceted as we know.

Ellen: That is for certain. Yeah. So Amy, when you reflect on your intuitive beginnings, how would you describe those? What was or were your intuitive beginnings?

Amy: That's interesting because I sort of have always been intuitive. I guess I just didn't look at it that way. It didn't have a name. It was just part of my personality. So I mean, from really young, two young, I mean just maybe middle school even. People would come to me for relationship advice and they would talk about their situations, and I would just say, well, I don't think this person is thinking this way. I would just sort of be giving them intuitive insight without realizing that's what I was doing. So that's interesting. And then my journey, my true journey where it was sort of pointed out to me by you actually in a, I don't think it was our first session. It might've been our first or second session where I had booked a session with you for something completely human, completely different. And that came up and I was like, oh, what? That was probably about three and a half years ago, maybe three years ago. And it was very interesting because I took such a human ego approach to it for a long time while trying to step into the spiritual side of things to try to not let it be affected by my ego side of things. And it's definitely been a journey just the past few years for sure.

Ellen: Yeah, I so appreciate that. I feel like there's so much to unravel when it comes to our ego as it relates to intuition. It's that unlearning. There has to be an unlearning process. And especially for those of us, and gosh, it just seems like there are so many of us who perhaps overlooked or intentionally squashed their intuition for a period of years, and then suddenly in their adulthood, they're like, there’s other stuff happening here and then begin to embrace it. And at that point, there's just so much programming that we've had.

Amy: And you don’t realize it. I can look back on even six months into, call it my spiritual journey, where I was actually aware that I was working towards this, and I was like, oh, I'm good. I can't believe I've gone through it this fast and blah, blah, blah. And then I look back to jump six months from there, and it was just so much different. Even now at the point where some people that I speak with, they're friends of mine, and they're so amazed at the zen place I'm in right now, and they think that I just blinked my eyes, wrote a couple of journal entries, and that was it. And I said, oh, no. Oh, no. It was hard. It was not like that.

I mean, I actually have funny stories where I thought I was being led by my intuition, and I just thought of one the other day, and I'm actually going to share it because it's embarrassing as it's, I dunno why I feel like I need to share it, but I don't even remember what the subject was, but I was thinking, okay, this is what it feels like when it's an intuitive yes. And this is what it feels like when it's an intuitive no. And over the past few years, that feeling has actually changed within my body.

So at the time, so I just kept asking questions and they were such ego-driven questions, and I just wanted these answers. And I actually followed, and I put in air quotes, my intuition, because it was not into at this hotel, and I was like, am I supposed to be going into the bathroom? It was like, yes. Am I supposed to be sitting here? Yes, it was all this stuff.

And I realized how asinine that even sounds right now. And then that's what it was. Me, my ego was sort of thinking that my life was going to magically change because I was following these instructions and I was sitting in the bathroom on the toilet with the toilet seat down, and then my ego led me to believe that my intuition was telling me to then thrust myself forward and when I would wake up, I'd be in this new life. And I know it sounds so insane, but it made so much sense at the time, and that's just crazy.

And I kind of forgot about that until the other day for some reason. And I started laughing because when you really think about it, I'm like the kind of person I am, how grossed out public bathrooms make me how this is a nice hotel. So it wasn't a gross bathroom, but the fact that I threw myself headfirst on the floor, I didn't hurt myself. And then I woke up- Well, I didn't wake up. I looked up and I'm like, I'm still in the bathroom at this hotel. What happened? I'm supposed to be somewhere else.

It was kind of like, I just didn't understand the whole spiritual evolution of you don't just get all these answers to what your ego wants and creates, and there's things that you don't need to know. And that took me a long time to get there. I didn't need to know everything. And I was trying desperately to know every little thing that was going to happen in my life. And I wasn't acting human. I was acting more, I mean, I knew I was human. It wasn't that I forgot that I was human, but

It was just like, should I go through the front door right now? Oh, okay. Am I going right now or am I leaving in five minutes? And it was consuming all my free time. And so when I look back, I'm like, wow, that was crazy. But such a learning experience through all of this.

Ellen: Wow. First of all, thank you for sharing that. Yeah, boy. Okay. Oh, gosh. So when you look at that situation, and as you mentioned, when you look at the feelings, the sensations that are your intuitive yes and your intuitive no versus something that was ego-driven, mimicking those sorts of feelings. Do you have a sense now of how you can discern between the two?

Amy: Yeah, it’s super interesting because there are some times where I get really quiet and still in a meditative state, like, okay, if I do this, when I ask the question, I feel like it'll be more of a spiritual answer. And then sometimes I just catch myself and I say, I don't need to know this. I'm not going to get the right answer. Why am I asking? Really? This is just my ego. So sometimes I can discern before I even start to ask the question, or sometimes I ask the question and then I don't wait for the answer because I kind of discern then that this is an ego-driven question. And then other times I can feel it now where I don't even necessarily have to ask a specific question, even if a thought just comes up or I'm about to try to decide something, I'll get this... It's almost like my chest is swelling up. It's almost like I'm being lifted up. And then if it's a no, I feel like I'm thinking.

Ellen: Oh, that's super cool. That's super cool. And it's so different from mine. Although what's really interesting is what you said about rising up and then sinking down, because my intuitive yes, is in my third eye area, and it feels like there is a rising sensation in that area. Actually, it's to a degree that even, it's almost as though my eyes are being pulled up, too. It's really weird, but very cool. It's really funny. And then my intuitive no is in my throat, and it almost feels as though there's almost a sense of my throat being pressed on or something. There's like a sinking in. Yeah. So I love…

Amy: Similar sensations, but just different places.

Ellen: Different places, yeah. And I wonder if... Yeah, go ahead.

Amy: I was just going to say, it's interesting because it's almost like I wish mine were in a different place, because the ego sensation is also in a similar place in your stomach when your stomach stinks or when, so sometimes it's hard for me to discern because they're very close together. But if it was in my eye, my third eye, that would be very different than my, I could tell. Well, that's definitely not my ego, because it's in my third eye. It's like the universe is playing a cruel joke on me, let's put it where she can't really figure it out that easily.

Ellen: Oh my gosh. Wow. That is so interesting. Because you're right, when we think of that, we get that knot in our stomach.

Amy: Yes.

Ellen: I mean, it is, the proximity sternum is right above your stomach. Oh. Oh gosh. I'm sorry.

Amy: Well, obviously there has to be a reason for it, right? I mean, that's why I'm not…

Ellen: Yeah. Probably. I mean, and it could be. And I wonder if… I'm just asking, I'm fishing out here in the universe and saying, is there a reason for that? I'm getting a yes. Is there a reason for the placement for everybody? Yeah, I'm getting a yes on that.

Amy: Yeah.

Ellen: And boy, is it fair to ask what the reasoning is? Oh, oh, I'm being told. Yes. Well, hold on a second, let's find out.

And so the reasoning being for many people, first of all, it is needing to feel as though the sensation is so oddly placed, differently placed. It is something they cannot manufacture themselves, which is the reason that some people will have the sensation of their yes in their elbow, of the no on their ear, and such as that. For you, Amy, what we're noticing is it is for you due to the person you are, due to the work you were called for, that you have this sensation being so closely associated with the physical, with human. This is an area that for you, because of the work you're called to, it's important for you to be able to feel both the similarity and the difference. Because when you are working with others, you will find that they are faced with similar challenges.

Amy: Wow. That's awesome.

Ellen: Fascinating. Fascinating.

Amy: That is so fascinating. That's so cool. I never really thought, I just knew it was all different for everybody. I just thought it was at the same place and just felt a little different.

Ellen: No. I’ve had people feel in their toes and on their back, and the weirdest places. And I say weird in the sense that it's weird to me because I'm so familiar with my own, but it goes to show it's a very different experience for everybody.

Amy: Yeah. My son feels it in his nose. It's like a tickle in his nose. Oh, I think that's the Yes. And I forget what the no is. He just entertained me for a very short period of time. He's a teenager, so he entertained me for a very short period of time on the intuitive and no sensation. So maybe it'll come back for him, but I remembered that his was very, very different than mine.

Ellen: Oh my gosh. That is so cool. That is so cool. Oh, I love hearing about stuff like that.

Amy: Me too. And now, I just never really thought about it before. It never occurred to me that there was a reason. I thought it was just a cruel joke to me, because sometimes I'd be like, well, wait a minute, was that my intuitive yes. Or was that my ego? Yes. And I can't tell, oh my goodness. Racing interesting is that it's very clear, 9.9 times out of 10 when I'm working with somebody else, and it's their situation and their question, it's a very clear yes or no intuitive, but when it's my own life, my own family or loved ones, that's where it gets mixed up down there. Can't tell.

Ellen: Yes, yes. And isn't that just such an interesting fact about that? Because there can be mixed signals when it comes to our own stuff. I mean, not always, but there certainly can be. And yet when it comes to other people's stuff, it tends to be a lot more clear. And perhaps it's because, I mean, well, I was going to say, because we're so closely related to ourselves. Being Captain Obvious here.

Amy: Right? Right.

Ellen: And yet also, perhaps it is because even if we don't realize it, we may have an emotional attachment to what we're asking, and that can totally muddy the waters.

Amy: Sure. Because it's our life. It's also our human life or a child, someone that we, in a very human sense, are very, very attached to and want to protect. And then sometimes if it's a close friend or someone that you really care about, that can be hard, too. I still find that a little bit easier, me or my son, my own situation, because whatever the outcome is, it's like, wait a minute, that's my life. So if it's a no, and I really want it to be a yes, then that's my life where it's somebody else. Even if it's a close friend, it's still not my life. I'm not saying that because I don't care. I'm just saying it doesn't affect. So it's a little bit easier to be more neutral, so to speak.

Ellen: Yeah. I mean, that makes so much sense. When you put it that way, you can see where, oh, okay, it's just a step back from a situation rather than being in the situation. So it makes sense that there would be greater clarity with that. Yeah. So cool.

Amy: Yeah, and the other thing I was just remembering is that when it's my ego saying yes or no, and it's around a question that I can't even think of, one that brings a lot of emotion, my heart starts pounding. So when it's an intuitive yes or no, and I'm very neutral, my heart doesn't pound like that because the ego is anticipating the answer. So it's like..

Ellen: Right. So your anxiety increases, your heart starts beating hard, and yeah.

Amy: Never even, this is the most, I've never really sat and analyzed it or discussed it like this, so it's awesome because I'm like, oh, I never even really broke that down. So this Is definitely helping me.

Ellen: Yeah, it is. Same here. It's something that I really hadn’t delved into all that much either. I just accepted it and knew that there were times when I for sure was getting mixed signals because I was way too involved in what I was asking about and didn't consider the other facets of that, the other implications around it. So. Super cool. Super cool to do that.

Amy: So cool. Love it.

Ellen: So then did you find Reiki? Or did Reiki find you?

Amy: Ooh, I think that Reiki found me because we had had a session, and I think there was two sessions where my guides came in and mentioned something about me using my healing with my hands, and it kind of just went over my head, because a lot of times, that's the other thing with this intuitive stuff is you can see something and know something, and you have to understand that it doesn't mean that it's, right now, for example, I saw two people having a conversation that definitely affected me. I saw that a year and a half ago. And then the reality when it actually happened, I don't know, maybe a few months ago.

So for over a year, it had been over a year that actually came through and actually happened. So my point being with the Reiki, I was told a couple times about healing with my hands, but I didn't even have any idea. I had no clue. I knew what Reiki was, so it wasn't like I didn't know what it was. And then, I don't know, one day, I think it was the end of December, because I took that first class in January. It was available the next week. It was a two-day weekend class online.

And it was like I was just sitting there and all of a sudden, I don't know something, I must've seen something with Reiki, and I saw the pictures with the hands, and I kind of jumped up out of my feet, and I'm like, oh my God. I'm like, that's healing meant for me. That's what I'm supposed to do. And it had been months since I kind of received that message. It just took me that long to really put two and two together. And that happens a lot with this stuff.

And so I took that weekend class and I was hooked, and I can't believe how fast it took me. I did Reiki one, then two, then advanced two, and I think there was maybe the master one was after that, I don't even remember. But it was all online. I just was doing it eight hours a day, these classes, until I got it done, because I was just that excited about it. So it probably took me, I dunno, about six months I think to do from Reiki one to becoming the Reiki master.

Ellen: Holy crap. And so having done it that way and feeling guided to do it that way, I feel like I should be asking this after the fact, but I'm going to ask it now because I'm just so curious. Would you do it that way again?

Amy: Yes, a hundred percent.

Ellen: Yeah.

Amy: What's interesting is that, and I don't want to say, I don't know how to exactly say this because I don't want to take away from what Reiki is and make it sound, but there were some times where I said, I'm like, huh, why do you have to only do it that way? I'm like, doesn't it make sense that it could also work this way?

And I started doing that while I was taking the classes, but I knew that I needed to pass. I had to do it exactly as I was taught. And then after probably even, maybe even before I completed, it, figured out a technique that I could do that didn't exist, that was working, was working for me. It was working for the people that I was testing it on.

And like, Reiki can't hurt you. No matter what you do, it can't hurt you, so why not try something different, something that could have a bigger impact on the healing. So that's what I did, and I was very guided towards that.

Ellen: Yeah, and I was going to ask you about that too because, and I'm so glad that you took the initiative because I was hopeful you'd want to talk about that. Because the thing is, there's so much to be said for walking through the classes and mastering the protocols, whatever you guide it to, whether it's Tibetan, Usui, whatever. There are so many variations at this point, whatever you're guided to. And also paying attention to your intuition. Because it seems as though those classes, like the classes that you took, the classes that I took turned out to be foundations. And we have to have foundations to have a stable structure, right?

Amy: Yes, for sure.

Ellen: The thing is, foundations are also meant to be built upon.

Amy: Ooh, I love that.

Ellen: So when you were noticing that you were, I'm going to say, diverging from the tried and true that you were being offered through your classes, is it something that you discussed with your teacher or with your classmates? And if so, what was the response? Or was it through observation? You could answer that question.

Amy: So there was one thing. I was doing it all online at a self pace. The first one was online with a group, and then the rest of them were at your own pace. So I didn't really have a class. There are Facebook groups that I could ask questions to, but I actually asked my teacher one question, and I forget what it was, but I think I said to her, can you do it this way? God, I wish I remembered. But the question was, it feels important.

And she said, oh, I don't know. She said, well, she's like, well, you would have to try that. Try it and let me know. She's like, I don't know if that would work. I don't know if that would work. And I said, okay. And so I have much respect for my teacher. I mean, she was unbelievable. Amazing. But then I just kind of kept it to myself after, because I started, again, not questioning in a doubtful way of Reiki, but questioning more of, I know that we, not just me, but that I can go, I can expand and expand and expand this energy healing.

And I did not see myself sitting in an office with people coming in for a 60- minute session, a 90-minute session, and me standing over them with my hands looking at a clock doing each position. And it's not because I am beneath that. Every time I tried to picture it, I got that intuitive note that sinking feeling was like, I'm like, well, geez. So I started it that way because I was like, okay, I feel like it's just going to sort of come to me. But yeah, I just started just doing it on my own.

And you know what it is, I allowed myself, and this I think is really important for other people with whatever it is that's going on in their lives, is that I simply allowed myself to stop thinking that I needed to do everything by the “rules” to just go with it. If it works, great. I have lots of notes. I felt like Einstein with a much less smart brain, but just I had diagrams and notes, and I tried this, and you know what? That was great and that worked, but it was time consuming. But now I can just compact it all together into one intention, and that works better.

It just felt very much like being in a lab and just trying this and then saying, oh, this is better. That's working. Great. I'll keep that. And so I did just keep it to myself. And actually, I had a couple friends just in our group, our Circle group that I would run things by too. And then obviously in our sessions we talked about some stuff too. But it was really cool to just see how much you can actually do with this Reiki energy if you just expand your wings a little bit.

Ellen: Yes. And it feels like that's so important. And again, nothing against the traditional protocols that we are taught, because again, they're wonderful, gorgeous foundations to begin with. It feels so important though, to be having this discussion because while we do begin there, it's not as though we're meant to simply hold space. We're not simply meant to hold time, mark time, watch that clock and say, okay, well, this many minutes has gone by, so now I'm supposed to move to the next place, the next position.

Amy: Right?

Ellen: Because the thing is, I feel like what that overlooks is what the person on the table actually needs.

Amy: Yes.

Ellen: And those were my Reiki beginnings too. I mean, you did yours in the speediest time. It took me over a year to walk through all those classes, and it was different instructors. However, once I'd been practicing for, I don't know, six months or so, I did notice that it felt like I needed to be doing things a little bit differently. Not extremely differently, but a little bit differently, and allowed myself to do that as well. And it changed everything about the way that I practiced, and it was so much more beneficial for the people I was helping.

Amy: Yes. And did you find, because I, did you find that it also changed the way you did things in general in life because you expanded and just said, Hey, I feel like this would be more beneficial if I did it this way. Did you find that it kind of… Because that's what I feel too it's gone into every other area of my life where I think like that.

Ellen: Yes. It's like that unlearning that I mentioned back in the beginning, when it comes to our ego. It's the same thing, because it does… I feel like it's not about doing it right. It's about doing it consistently. If you are practicing on yourself consistently, and if you are practicing on others consistently, you are going to notice that it bleeds out into all areas of your life. And it inspires the calling into question of certain ways of doing things, certain beliefs, certain rules that we perhaps take for granted.

Amy: Yeah, it's like that. And I'm kind of seeing a box where it's like where people put us into this box, and it's like they expect us to stay in the confines of that box. And we even put ourselves, we put ourselves into that box, probably pretty young age. And it's like when you start to realize that the box is made out of cardboard, you can easily tear a little bit here. You can stick your foot out through one little coin. You know what I mean? You can reshape the box completely. No one else can do it, and you can, and you're like, oh,

Ellen: This is amazing. Yes, totally, totally. And the thing is, what I'm being shown is we're put into a box through human conditioning when we're meant to be a kaleidoscope. I mean, think about the chaos that is a kaleidoscope. Visual chaos. Chaos. Yeah. Yeah, totally. Oh gosh, I love that so much. So then as you mentioned, you have been developing your own protocols and taking, I'm going to say, taking Reiki to different levels of beingness.

Amy: That's a good way of putting it. Yes.

Ellen: And how did you come to that point of, I'm going to say in part surrendering to that coming into you, coming through you, it being whatever, guidance, whatever, divine wisdom, divine messaging, your guides saying, this is what you're doing here. There's no book, but here you are, go forth. And so surrendering to that, and by surrendering, accepting that it's something that you could do, how did you get to that point?

Amy: I'm trying to think. I mean, it's funny. My son who plays soccer just came up an image in my head, and a lot of it was, okay, he's growing. He's going through puberty, he plays a lot. Sometimes he has little aches and pains, and it's like, how can I, okay, now I learned where I can just call him and I don't need to stand over him. That was just Reiki one. So now I can do it where I just call him into this Reiki dollar teddy bear or whatever pillow, and then it says He hurt his ankle. I can do that. And it just sort of kept saying, well, can I heal this? Or how can I heal that?

And then looking at myself saying, okay, I'm 48 now. At the time, I don't, don't even know how long ago this was. It's about a year and a half, two years maybe. But just saying, okay, I'm in my late forties, mid to late forties, and I noticed that I wasn't paying attention to this for the last 10 years, so how can I, and I say fix, for lack of a better word, because it wasn't really fixing, but how can I slow this down, or how can I heal something around this so that it doesn't go so fast?

And it was just more of my, I just have this curiosity about things. And I spent all this time learning this Reiki, being attuned to Reiki. And then it was just my fascination with where I could go with it just kept building and building and building. And I thought, oh, I learned you could heal a whole group. So I started doing Reiki on his soccer team. Before games, I would balance all their chakras. I would balance their polarity, and then one game I forgot to include the rests and the rest were really bad, so they lost the game.

So now I include all the rest. It’s just funny, I would be inspired because I would see all these ads for anti-age creams. I laughed because when I was younger, when I was a little girl, my mom would have all these different creams and different face washes. I remember asking her one time, and I said, why do you have so many different jars of creams? And she said, I don't remember what she said. She made a joke though. It was funny. She said something about, well, when you get older, you try to do everything you can.

And I didn't really understand it at the time, but now I looked at my own counter, my moon bathroom counter, and there were six different jars of anti-aging cream. And I just started laughing, and it's like, well, why can't Reiki change the energy around that? Or Reiki, the foundation of Reiki is that you can really heal somebody's emotional state, their physical state, their spiritual state.

I wanted it, I wanted to experience it because I'm like, well, here I have it. Let me experience it for myself. Can I really anti-age myself, even just by a couple of years? And that's when I came up with, I'm calling it the Fountain of Youth. And it's more than just that. I mean, that's what it started out with. It kind of started out with, oh yeah, I can do this. And I noticed that my skin on my hands and my feet just started looking a little bit healthier. I was like this, it took a few months, and I was like, this is crazy. And my eyes, I have severe dry eyes. Those were actually getting better. And I'm like, this is crazy. But what I've really come to realize with it, that was sort of in the beginning. So now that I'm, I don't even know how long I've been working on that for, but it's a deep, deep healing energy technique.

And I'm learning really, really seeing that it's not for the faint of heart, it's for people who understand that they will be co-working through their deep traumas with their human side and their spiritual side. So what it does is it will bring, it definitely heals birth trauma right away. And there's a lot of different little tiny behaviors we have from birth trauma. So it's interesting, the people that have told me these little things that have changed in their lives the next day immediately.

And then there are people that I've done the Fountain of Youth to who all this stuff is being brought to the surface, and their human side is like, Nope, not going to even notice that it's there. So they're not really noticing any changes in their life because it heals within and then it moves without. So the more you kind of co-work with the Reiki energy that I give to you, the more you work with it, the more it starts to move within, and then it starts to move to the outer parts of your body.

And that's when you'll notice a physical change or you'll notice something around your skin looking better, or that's just the bonus. I mean, but think about the best part about it is if you're willing to put in the work and you're willing to recognize when something that doesn't feel so good is being brought to the surface, and you're willing to acknowledge that and look in the mirror and look around you and look everywhere, then it releases. And so you're so much lighter with each trauma you work through. You're just so much lighter. And I don't even think I answered the question. I'm kind of going off on a tangent. I don't know exactly when.

Ellen: Yeah, and that's okay. I mean, so much of what you said I feel like is just so important, especially the fact that, I mean, when we stop and just consider Reiki at its foundation, Reiki at its foundation is also meant, whether we like it or not, is also meant to work from the inside out. And so the thing is taking it to the way that you are using it, which it's so funny because I want to say it sort of defies gravity in a sense. It defies all the Reiki logic.

Amy: Yeah, pretty much.

Ellen: The fact is though, that when it comes to working with energy in this way, when it comes to even taking very human measures, toward making ourselves, supporting ourselves to feel better through therapy, through eating better, through exercising, the fact is that we might go into it expecting one thing. What we're going to find is that it's going to bring up a whole lot more than we might've been expecting, which is important because what we don't realize is how those things that are brought up have impacted those things that we're addressing.

It's hard for our human brains to conceive that certain things we've done in our lives or certain things that have happened to us in our lives, experiences that we've had, beliefs that we hold, can actually contribute to disharmony, disease, ill health. And so then when those things start rising up and we're having that what-the-hell moment, I didn't ask for this. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. It's like, well, actually, this is part of the package. You're welcome.

Amy: This is part of it. Yeah. It's so interesting too because I mean, obviously I did this technique to myself first, and what I was just telling people, it was like, okay, well, you'll experience healing right away, and then you might experience the healing six months from today. You can experience the healing 10 years from now just from this one thing that I do for you.

So this isn't like people don't have to keep coming back for sessions to keep the Reiki going. Once I do this technique on you, you have it. And you could experience healing today, a year from now, 10 years from now. And because as I've been reminded as well, you can't heal everything all at once. It would completely, the human body would not be able to take it. It would combust or something. I don't know what happened.

Ellen: Totally. Yeah, totally.

Amy: You have to do it in small parts. And even now, even over the past few weeks, for me, I'm in a really, really good place after doing all this healing for the past three years. And the stuff that's been coming up for me, I'm just like, whoa. I didn't even realize those were still issues, or those were still, and then once I saw them, I was like, yeah, totally. A hundred percent still something. So it's amazing how it's working, basically.

And it's amazing how unbelievably uncomfortable I was just three days ago, but now I'm at a point where I'm like, okay, it's okay. I know I'm so uncomfortable right now because I'm looking in the mirror at myself with this one subject, but I know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and that it's understanding that, so the people, if they understand that, it's almost like I get excited when it happens, even though it's super uncomfortable, and maybe I cry, but if I'm excited because I know it's another piece that's being let go, it's being released.

Ellen: I totally get it. And I'm laughing because of the way you said that: And maybe I cry.

Amy: Maybe I cry, I'm pulled up in a ball, but I was like, damn, this is so exciting because this is going to be the least at some point, whether it's later today, whether it's tomorrow, and it's like when it's released, it's just the best feeling when it is because your body just feels completely different.

And it's like you wake up and you're just, I mean, I've had times where a healing went through me in the morning, and literally I blink, and in the afternoon I feel the light as a feather, and I'm like, oh, oh, it's gone. So I feel like when you start to really become in tune with the Reiki that I basically infuse with your body, you can actually start to really recognize when it's happening. It's actually really such a great experience if you're willing to go through all that. If you're willing.

Ellen: And I guess that's the thing. And it's like, it's one of those things where over-the-counter medications that we purchase always come with a list of side effects and basically user beware. These are things to be aware of.

And the thing is, do we make those statements with Reiki? I feel like we do to some degree, because we don't know what is going to come up for people. And so all we can say is you have to remember that this is your experience entirely, your experience and whatever does come up for you is coming up because you need to review it in some way. And yeah, it's not likely to be pretty.

Amy: That's so funny. So Reiki possesses its own intelligence, so it goes where it needs to go first. And I guess that's a good way to describe it too. But you're right. And I feel like the Reiki, along with the universe and your guides, they try to give you a reprieve here and there.

So some of the deep healing that I've gone through, they've actually, I've done some really deep healing in a ball on my couch for three days, and then it's like they just do some little things, so it's kind of uncomfortable. It's a little yucky, maybe I ate a whole pizza here and there, comfort eating, but then it was good, and then they get another deep one. It's like, okay, here we go.

Ellen: Buckle up buttercup.

Amy: Buckle up buttercup. So I feel like they do, they kind of to, they don't want to overwhelm your human body, so they wouldn't be like every single deep healing is going to happen first, because it would just be people would be like, what did she do to me? I can't do this anymore.

Ellen: Right? Absolutely. Absolutely.

Amy: But I think about myself, even before I realized that I had intuitive gifts, and we all do, so I guess I should say it, but even before I realized that I really was meant to have them come out in this lifetime, I was always still fascinated by this. So if I had come across a person that was doing this particular Reiki technique, I would be like, I'm all in. I want everything heal. I want my traumas healed. I understand it might take four years, five years, maybe 10. It might take two. I mean, again, each person is different.

For me, it's still going. And I think it's been healing fairly fast for me after three years. But the Reiki part's only been about a year and change. And I'm still, like I said, recently, going through some of that, the surface healing, not as much of the deep healing, although it's felt just as bad as the deep healing. I'll say that. I'm pretty, as you say.

Ellen: Oh, bless us, bless us, bless us.

Amy: I know. It's so amazing.

Ellen: It's so amazing. It's also in a way laughable because it's so easy just to make assumptions that things that offer us opportunities for healing at a deep level, whether we say it that way or not, that it's going to be, yes, a beautiful experience. It's also going to be a challenging experience. And it's because if we truly want to experience healing, we can't just dance across the surface. You have to dig in. You have to dig in. And so, yeah, I just… Bless you.

Anyone who chooses a path like this, whether it's serving through Reiki, serving through intuition, whether they realize it or not, when they sign up for that, they're going to end up walking over the coals, walking through that icy cold water.

Amy: Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Ellen: Yes. And bless us.

Amy: Oh, I actually found, you have to laugh. You have to find humor in it. Like me throwing myself off of a toilet, I mean, in a hotel restaurant, I mean, that's just for anyone that knows me, they're probably gagging and they are laughing because they just know me. They know how I am about public bathrooms. So they're just going to be like, what the heck was she doing?

But you have to be able to have that sense of humor because I mean, even the other day I was like, come on, you guys just make this one easy for me. Just do it for me. Come on, you just do it. And I started laughing. I felt so terrible. I felt so looking in the mirror is really hard. It's really because it's like, whoa, I have felt feelings of shame of every possible emotion that you could have when I took that time to look at myself in the mirror.

But it's so freeing as well, so exhilarating to acknowledge. Sometimes all you're doing is just simply acknowledging something and it gets released. I guess those are the easy ones where it's like, oh, I just had to acknowledge it and now I don't have to. Okay, that's good. I mean, there's not that many, but there's enough. There's enough to want to keep going. And it really is. It’s such a beautiful feeling.

Like I said, if somebody was offering this for me 10 years ago and they had it, I would be like, I'm all in. Because I didn't even realize that a lot of the stuff was based on traumas, traumas. I didn't even know I had traumas passed down to me from generations I never even met. So when you realize all that, like, hey, this isn't, and I say, this isn't all my fault. Meaning I was one that used to beat myself up all the time. It's like, oh, it's really not all my fault.

And the other thing I stopped doing is I stopped saying that was a mistake. That was a good idea. That was a bad decision. That was a good decision. I just say, when I look at my past, I'm like, this was a decision I made at the time, and this was the consequence. This was how I was behaving. This was how the other person was behaving, but this was how I was behaving as well.

And it just took a foot off my neck to stop saying, every decision you made in your life was bad. It wasn't. It was just simply a decision. When you cast bad to it, it taxed on this whole different energy, this whole, you were wrong. You were such a bad person. But when you just say, and you look at it almost from, try to look at it from a neutral perspective of like, well, this is the decision that was made. So that helped me through a lot of this healing, for sure.

Ellen: Great insight right there. And also, by the way, what a challenging line to walk, because just as it's beneficial to remove bad from that sentence, I made a bad decision. It's also beneficial to release good from the sentence. I made a good decision for the same reasons, which is, it might seem like even just I say that, and that's almost like I'm having a brain cramp. I mean, the truth of it is there, but my brain is like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. How can that be right? Yeah. And maybe I feel like we just returned to the beginning of our conversation because the thing about that is it creates neutrality and gosh, that’s important; way more important than we might suppose.

Amy: It's because it's taken me a long time, and I'm still human, so don't get me wrong, I still have a human reaction, a human, but for the most part, I can look at many, many things, many people, many, all this with a neutral emotion. And if I find myself that it's starting to tip towards the ego, it's like I recognize it and I can tip it right back to neutral. So it's being in that neutral zone. I never in a million years thought that I could actually get there. And so the fact that I'm there at least 85, 90% of the time is pretty good.

Ellen: Pretty damn good. Truly amazing. Amazing. So Amy, how can people experience working with you and your particular perspective and protocols with Reiki?

Amy: Well, I do have a website. It is, oh my God, for a second. That's so funny.

Ellen: Sorry, there was no transition there at all.

Amy: It's www dot Amy Kristina - Amy Kristina, with a K, K-R-I-S-T-I-N-A - dot net. And I'm actually almost finished with, I have, the site is up and I'm almost finished with, I've been updating it, so to speak, and that will be updated very soon. But anybody can email me also at because I would be more than happy to just have this conversation.

And part of actually the Fountain of Youth is that we have an hour long call before I even, I think it's an hour long call before we even do anything, because I just want to make sure that the person understands that it's not for the faint of heart, but understand all the benefits of it too, and just make sure that we're on the same page.

Because the other part of it is that I work with them intuitively. We have intuitive sessions booked throughout that year to keep up on how the healing is going and what's coming up around that, because that's what helped me a lot with it as well. So that's also part of the Fountain of Youth and go to the services, there's a whole page, but again, I am more than happy to just be talking about it with people so they can reach out to me and we can set up a time to even just talk about it because it's so involved, because it's so such a deep, deep healing.

Ellen: Yeah, absolutely. And I have such a great appreciation for that because it'd be super easy to just sell it as is and just every person for themselves, so to speak. So I appreciate that you take that care to make certain that it truly is a fit for the person and that they're prepared for what may come with it.

Amy: And just that they feel comfortable working with me because this isn't just a one and done. Like I said, you don't have to have all these Reiki sessions. It's not like, well, I have to keep the energy going, so I have to go back and pay another X amount. But we will work close enough together because I want your journey to be as beneficial for you as it's been for me, because that's really, that's where this inner peace people want inner peace. And having been in a really dark place in my life to getting to this place of light now where I have true inner peace, I want to share it with the world. I want everybody to feel like I do right now.

Ellen: Oh gosh. Yeah. And I love that. I love that about you, and I just so appreciate that you hold that context. That's a beautiful thing right there. Beautiful, beautiful thing. Well, good heavens, Amy. I am so grateful for this conversation and truly feel that there are so many nuggets, this conversation that will be supportive of people wherever they are in their spiritual journey, in their healing journey, which I feel like they're both the same, so it certainly can be. Yeah, they certainly can. And I really appreciate your willingness to just dive in and go for it. So thank you.

Amy: Well, I had a lot of fun. Thank you. I really, really enjoyed this as well.

Ellen: I'm so glad. I'm so glad. Alright, well, you enjoy the rest of your day and I'll be talking to you soon. All right, sounds

Amy: Good. Thank you so much, Ellen. Have a great day yourself.

Ellen: Thanks Amy. Okay, bye-bye.

Amy: Bye.

Ellen: Thank you for listening to The Everyday Intuitive Podcast. You'll find the link to Amy's website in the show notes, and you'll find the transcription on my website. Thanks so much for listening.